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Wonder: Your Mental Skill for Surprising Innovation
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Wonder: Your Mental Skill for Surprising Innovation

Every day our brains process billions of data points, from the temperature of the room to the tone of someone’s voice. To make our lives easier – and avoid complete information overload – our brains find patterns in the chaos and establish routines or habits in order to make room in our busy brains. We…

Wonder Interventions at Work

Wonder Interventions at Work

In his decades of research on the psychology of flow, Mihaly Cskiszentmihalyi has studied people who like to do things that they enjoy. He has studied athletes, artists, religious mystics, scientists, chess players, rock climbers, and ordinary working people. What keeps these creatives jazzed about what they do is not money, fame, or fancy titles…

10 Tips to Shape an Excellent, Authentic Life
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10 Tips to Shape an Excellent, Authentic Life

In his foreword for Lead Yourself First: Inspiring Leadership Through Solitude, best-selling author and business advisor Jim Collins writes, “If leadership begins not with what you do but who you are, then when and how do you escape the noise [of our times] to find your purpose and summon the strength to pursue it?” In…

How to Lead with Integrity
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How to Lead with Integrity

Lately, I’ve been writing a lot about the importance of belief-driven business in this information age. People today hunger for brands that express a compelling, genuine point of view and a strong sense of purpose. But before your business or brand can take a stand, you have to discover what drives you. You see, great…

Brand Authenticity: What We Get Wrong & How to Get it Right
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Brand Authenticity: What We Get Wrong & How to Get it Right

In a world awash with targeted advertising, influencer marketing, and fake news, we are starved for sincerity. We are disillusioned with the pervasive blur of fantasy and reality, spin and honest solutions, and as a result, consumers are increasingly distrustful of brands and businesses. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, only 48% of consumers today…

How Deliberate Distraction Leads to Creative Breakthroughs
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How Deliberate Distraction Leads to Creative Breakthroughs

Imagine this: you’ve spent all day working on a difficult project. You’ve been excited about it for weeks, but you haven’t quite been able to pin down the final details. You’ve done the research, gathered the materials, bounced ideas off of your colleagues and your creative pack, and still you feel stuck in a cognitive…

Building a Work Culture of Collaborative Autonomy
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Building a Work Culture of Collaborative Autonomy

The conventional corporate office is practically a thing of the past. The “side hustle” is becoming the hustle, previously distinct departments are dissolving to create more fluid collaborations between coworkers, and increasingly, people are breaking away from the traditional nine-to-five in order to pursue freelance careers. It’s estimated that by 2020, 50% of the US…

When to Make the Most of Collaboration (& When to Opt Out)
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When to Make the Most of Collaboration (& When to Opt Out)

At Tracking Wonder, we’ve baked collaboration into much of what we’ve created. Our free international community of entrepreneurs and creatives fosters alliances, partnerships, and networking. I’ve collaborated with other brands to produce events. I’ve built Tracking Wonder’s own team around true collaboration. I’ve facilitated business artist meetups around the world based on the idea of…

Why Prototyping is More Important than Perfection
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Why Prototyping is More Important than Perfection

We all know the excitement of planning. It allows you to create the perfect set of circumstances for the realization of your idea. And that idea – whether your book, a product, or change in career direction – could, without hyperbole, change the world. The planning stage is exciting and ripe with possibility.  As a…

How To Say No To Your Bad Habits
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How To Say No To Your Bad Habits

As an accomplished professional, what distracting mental clutter is holding you back from advancing your best work? Maybe you’ve carved your own niche as a professional, business owner, or creative worker. Time is shaped according to what works best for you, rather than having to twist yourself to somebody else’s schedule. Your business is making…