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The Pervasiveness of Burnout and Languishing —And What You Can Do About It

The Pervasiveness of Burnout and Languishing —And What You Can Do About It

A recent survey found that 75% of workers have suffered from burnout. The pandemic helped create a similar but different emotion that sufferers have described as a general feeling of emptiness: languishing. Luckily, there are ways to interrupt the cycle and move toward a state of flourishing once more.

Does Productivity Leave Enough Time for Creative Thinking?
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Does Productivity Leave Enough Time for Creative Thinking?

Thinking as an entrepreneur or creative, we continually want to advance our best work. But there may be a danger in becoming so attached to productivity that we miss a core part of the creative process. Where is the balance between getting stuff done and dreaming stuff up?

Tapping into Creative Collaboration
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Tapping into Creative Collaboration

Collaboration, it turns out, is essential for creative productivity and innovation. The New York socialite Mabel Dodge knew something about putting talented, engaging people from different backgrounds and creative media in the same room. With the right atmosphere and combination of people, ideas could ignite that might inspire creative action (including even, a few love affairs).

Basecamp Templates: A Delightful Time-Saver

Guest Post by Erin Haworth, Tracking Wonder’s Systems Shark The Remote Team’s Time Challenges I’m fortunate to be Tracking Wonder’s operations manager and overseer of a dynamo team of remote contractors. It’s common for three or four team members to be working on one client’s brand story, strategy, website and online assets at any given…

12 Riffs to Help Boost Creativity & Shape Time

12 Riffs to Help Boost Creativity & Shape Time

Creative professionals and practitioners are either Time Crunchers (pressed for our own time) or Time Stretchers (self-employed creatives who own their time). Both categories benefit from mastering the art of shaping time. Creativity is not about waiting for the muse to show up. Productive creativity is about shaping time to show up for the muse.

How to Take Breaks That Improve Creativity & Productivity

How to Take Breaks That Improve Creativity & Productivity

Finding time to do your most creative work is hard. An optimal work-and-create flow is an extended period of time in which your mind and body are performing at their best when engaged in high-thinking and high-imagining tasks and projects. You sustain focus, your body’s fire stays stoked, your attitude flourishes, your imagination hangs from…