Henson Consulting Group

Entering the Engagement Economy & Digital Market
Since 1982 Cindy Henson has worked both as a business executive and an independent consultant within and with corporations, government agencies, and non-profits. She has a stellar reputation for her expertise in strategy as well as her adept facilitation skills.
The problem: Her website was 10 years old with no distinct brand story. She was unsure how to grow her team’s presence and her business’s offerings online to help her embrace the engagement economy and digital market.
She came to us with a distinct business need: Build her brand platform and online presence. We did that and more.
A Distinct Point of View & Suite of Experiences
Our first step was to mine Cindy’s rich vault of experiences and concepts so we could define the signature brand mentor persona, heritage, and point of view. With over 35 years’ experience, we knew in the Research & Discovery phase we would uncover some powerful frameworks and values.
Through a series of jam sessions, we identified key pain points in the Henson Consulting Group’s targeted market, their Potential Hero Segments: That when faced with not meeting their goals, executives and leaders are told they need to invest in expensive programs, shake up the culture, and replace their talent.
We helped Cindy embrace a new story on talent: Tap Your Talent. Don’t Replace It. We framed what she does so well into elegant copy and a narrative that would captivate her target market.
We also highlighted her point of view that she helps companies with the triple bottom line: people, planet, profits. People first.
We listened to what Cindy does naturally with executives and leaders sometimes over coffee or lunch. Within an hour she can hear a seemingly complex organizational situation, whip out a napkin and a Sharpie, and diagram an action plan. Eureka! We conceived The Power N.A.P. – Napkin-sized Action Plans – and the service (live and online).

To help make the case to her potential clients, we researched and framed the stories of big ideas that started on napkins – like Pixar Films.
Together we helped Cindy frame, price, and set up her different offers.
We introduced and integrated Acuity scheduling technology to Cindy and her assistant so she could streamline her systems and engage more people online.

A Source of Trust & Inspiration
Cindy is strong of will and warm of heart – a rare combo. Our Research & Discovery work also pointed to Cindy’s innate power that many people find attractive as well her deep belief that every human being can embrace their full potential. Our job, then, was to present a visual persona of trust and warmth. We opted for a clean theme and a cool palette of blue and gray with an emphasis on photos that evoked trust and warmth. The logo image alludes to a pencil, which we felt evoked both Cindy’s strategic and creative qualities that her clients and community find appealing.

We wanted website visitors to see Cindy in action and to hear her point of view. We worked with a videographer in San Diego where Henson Consulting Group is located. We offered detailed recommendations to help the video’s narrative arc and musical tempo elicit those feelings.

Life After Launch
Now we’re working with Cindy and her team to streamline her content delivery systems and social media engagement. This way even more people can benefit from her distinct methods to tap talent and help everyone within an organization realize full potential.
And we’ve also had a steady hand in helping Cindy shape and ultimately publish her remarkable personal story into a memoir. It is the story of a woman who left the corporate jungle for the Costa Rican jungle and returned home with a whole new vision and approach to business.