Welcome to the Writing Den™ 2018
Congratulations on taking the first big steps to live your quest this year. I am thrilled you’ve signed up for the Writing Den. It’s a cool-headed, warm-hearted strategic gathering place for content creators, thought leaders, bloggers & writers who are dedicated to shipping their best work out into the world.
You’re in good company, as many thought leaders, authors, creatives, and professionals like you have had major breakthroughs from the teachings and method, and we can’t wait to see what shifts and insights you’ll gain as you shape, ship, and share your message.
Check your inbox for your first instigation, your copy of Write to Lead, and your invitation to the Facebook forum.
Do you have questions? Reach out to our Ops Manager Erin at info@trackingwonder.com and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
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