The Wisdom of Wonder at Work in Disorienting Times
A Free Online MasterClass with Tracking Wonder founder JEFFREY DAVIS
1 PM ET | 12 PM CT | 11 am MT | 10 am PT | 6 pm London
A Free Online MasterClass with Tracking Wonder founder JEFFREY DAVIS
Dear Change-Maker ~
Between a pandemic, working from home, and an overdue cultural upheaval for social justice, it’s only natural to feel disoriented and to stop advancing your most impactful work.
Yet feeling disoriented could be a sign that you’re trying to pay attention to what matters most.
The good news is you can train your mind to stay open to possibility, keep focused on your most impactful work, and convert reactivity into creativity. A new set of daily practices, habits, and wonder interventions® can lead you to a path of daily purpose and creativity – even, if not especially, amidst constant change.
A wonder intervention® is a practice that can momentarily dissolve habitual patterns of perception, open your mind with surprising delight, and train you to glean fresh insights to daily challenges.
In this MasterClass, you will learn evidence-based cognitive training tools to define your most impactful work, dissolve biases that limit your potential, and foster an open, collaborative mindset to advance your work.
I’m glad you’ll join me and other change-makers from around the world who are questing for common ends in these uncertain times. We’re navigating this turbulence together and will come out stronger, better, more resilient, and more human for it. So much is indeed possible.
Thanks for running with me,
Who is Jeffrey?
Veteran brand story strategist, author, and founder of Tracking Wonder Consultancy Jeffrey Davis partners with professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives, soulful seekers, and organizations to advance their most meaningful work. As an online columnist on the psychology of creativity for Psychology Today and host of the Tracking Wonder Podcast, he has studied and interviewed over 300 exemplary creatives who have led fulfilled lives of mastery and meaning. He brings his synthesis of entrepreneurship, creative output, research, Zen practice, teaching, and tested experiments to BASS.

In this MasterClass, Jeffrey will offer you the tools and guidance to show you how to:

Direct your work with purpose even amidst uncertainty

Define a dream endeavor or meaningful work you want to advance

Learn which specific emotions and cognitive states can close your creative mind

Discover the defining traits and applications of experiences of wonder

Test out a wonder intervention to clarify your purpose

Reverse your biases toward other people and build open, collaborative relationships

But our world has tilted and changed in a matter of weeks. How do you shape a creative life of meaning, mastery, and impact in these times – all with wit, compassion, and integrity? In this ever-shifting culture and economy, maybe you need skills, strategies, & support to do so. That’s where BASS comes in.
“BASS” stands for “Business Artist Strategies & Skills.” “Business Artist” is just a fancypants way of saying you’re someone willing to muster creative intelligence as well business acumen to advance your message and medicine in the world and have more meaningful impact on people’s lives.
BASS MasterClasses invite you into our virtual studio to learn, create, test out, and earn – earn respect, recognition, return.
Join us.

Are you ready to learn how you can bring the wisdom of wonder to work so you can stay open to possibilities and build collaborative alliances?
Note: This MasterClass is a no-upsell event. However, because of a recent development and partnership, you will gain information about a rare virtual retreat that Jeffrey will be leading in early August. You will not be pitched this retreat, though you will be invited to learn more if it piques your interest.