Branding as Creative Process, Abby Kerr, & Voice Notes
Years ago, when I heard the word “branding” I admittedly thought of cattle burned, owned, and herded.
Where was the art? The creativity? The humanity of trying to herd people into buying something?
But as a creative-entrepreneur, I’ve since radically reframed my thinking about branding. It is nomenclature familiar to corporate and business worlds where making money is priority. So some creatives think it’s at best a necessary evil. But it’s not.
Branding can be a creative process that elevates how you, your mission, or project contributes to the world-verse.
And you can finesse it the way you finesse your craft or instrument or artistic medium.
When it comes to branding matters, and when it comes to someone devoted to helping others own their voice, there’s one voice I listen to regularly and eagerly: Abby Kerr.
Abby’s the Creative Director of Voice Bureau, a team devoted to helping entrepreneurs show up in the online conversation.
Everything she writes and produces possesses elegance, art, and fire. She does not hold back her clear views about things that don’t work in online branding. I respect that. Plus, she’s developed a smart self-assessment of your Voice Values. (My results: Innovation, Depth, Enthusiasm, Helpfulness.)
I’m honored to be featured in this week’s Voice Notes, the Voice Bureau’s feature of an entrepreneur or creative with a brand.
Join me over there, and you’ll see that we’ve replaced the branding irons with paint brushes, pens, and electric violins.
What are you views, experiences, and reframes with branding? What brands do you love?
Thanks for running with me,
P.S. By the way, Abby is also an active affiliate of the YOUR CAPTIVATING BOOK Mentorship Program – a six-month program for you if you’re feeling compelled to move a book or book manuscript forward. If you want to sneak in for early registration this weekend, I suggest you get on Abby’s list or click through via her website. Otherwise, stay on our Early Notification List. -jbd