When we feel burned out from daily obligations and work tasks, our motivation plunges and our discomfort rockets.
Our natural tendencies are either flight or fight:
FLIGHT: Find another job, another partner, another house, another vacation, another short-term fix.
FIGHT: Take all of your energies to bust through the to-do list, powering through productivity until you run out of power and are left empty.
What if there were a third way? What if you could learn how not just to work well but also to break better during any work day?
Wonder is the singular experience that momentarily dissolves our habits and biases that we can see what is real and true, beautiful and possible right here today.
And wonder, it turns out, is not accidental. Wonder is designable.
In this Masterclass Webinar, you can learn the traits that exemplary and everyday creative people share to beat the destructive burnout habits.
For the first time ever, Tracking Wonder founder Jeffrey Davis and Zen Habits master & blogging pioneer Leo Babauta team up to offer Designing for Wonder: Interventions to Change Your Work & Life. Designing for Wonder is a Masterclass Webinar that will offer you daily interventions and reframes so you can deepen your daily purpose, boost your creativity, and finesse discomfort with more grace.
Jeffrey and Leo will offer you the tools and guidance to show you how to

Bring your best and most creative talents to work every single day

Lean into and normalize your daily discomforts

Test out a Wonder Intervention that will instantly fill your brain with “delight neurochemistry”

Be privvy to an exclusive peek at all 7 Wonder Interventions at Work and an exclusive preview and invitation to a live 5-day program in California in January
Who Are Jeffrey and Leo?

Veteran brand story strategist, author, and founder of Tracking Wonder Consultancy Jeffrey Davis partners with high-performing professionals, entrepreneurs, and organizations to brand with integrity and to expand their influence. As an online columnist on the psychology of creativity for Psychology Today and host of the Tracking Wonder Podcast, he has researched and interviewed over 200 exemplary creatives who have led fulfilled lives of mastery and meaning. He has synthesized his 15 years of research, Zen practice, teaching, and tested experiments into The 7 Wonders @ Work.

Leo Babauta is a simplicity blogger & author. His blog, Zen Habits, has over a million readers and offers insights on changing habits in order to have a more simple, mindful life. Leo is an advocate for minimalist living, focus, and training in uncertainty. His books, which include most recently The Essential Zen Habits, focus on ways to achieve these changes and create a meaningful life.
Are you ready to learn wonder interventions
that reframe your ways of working well?
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