Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.
Join a community of creatives & entrepreneurs who receive our weekly Wonder Dispatch.
“Your dispatches and other offerings are a sincere voice of hope to me. I’ve been in transition for the past 6 years, having shut down 2 small businesses (a 501c3 community arts organization and an S Corp producing art and craft objects) after 20 years of operation. It’s a reset though I’m not sure where it is going. Your emphasis on wonder and the input of others that you share bouy me and suggest ways I can move forward.”
“There is something in nearly every Dispatch that serves as a seed thought for me. Sometimes it germinates quickly over toast and jam while I’m reading at breakfast. Sometimes it grows into an “ah, yeah” moment when I’m sitting at a stoplight. And sometimes I connect some thought to my own work or conversation with my own clients. Thanks for putting your ideas into the world in the way you do. They’re not the typical self-help directives: they’re torqued towards the soul.”
“I appreciate several things about your weekly dispatch: (1) Its storytelling quality. Your informal, conversational style draws me in. (2) It is practical. You offer advice or tips each week that I can use. (3) It has depth. You do not just focus on day-to-day tasks or how to be more productive – you touch the things that matter beneath the daily drone of necessities. (4) It is thorough. You spend a meaningful amount of time on each week’s subject. It is obvious your dispatches take a fair bit of brain time to write, so you are modeling for me a work ethic of a continual writing practice. (5) Your authenticity. It is obvious that you do this from the core in you that cares about the core in me. I am on several weekly or daily email mailing lists. Yours is the one I never skip over or delete without reading.“
“I look forward to the Sunday Wonder Dispatch each week. There is always at least a nugget I can take away to think about, put into action, or write about. Often though they are pure gold, like this week’s Dispatch on WISE goals. I love the way you have expanded on SMART goals that are often not used effectively in the workplace. Thank you for the continued journey into a world with more wonder!”

In addition to The Wonder Dispatch, you also will receive:
5 Ways to Rally Curiosity, Delight, & Deep Connection Into Your Creative Profession & Life – a handbook that gives you 5 simple ways to track wonder and invite curiosity, delight, and deep connection in your daily work and life.