Tracking Wonder Updates (May ’12) – Rest for Optimal Creativity
REST MATTERS. Creative work consumes a lot of energy. Blood sugar burns as you take problem-solving risks and inhibit distracting impulses.
REST MATTERS. Creative work consumes a lot of energy. Blood sugar burns as you take problem-solving risks and inhibit distracting impulses.
Tracking Wonder Conversations (TWC) talks about creative momentum in work and life As someone who thrives on creating day-in, day-out, you know that creative momentum requires more than “getting things done.” Along the way, you must make space for wonder…
The economy’s in flux. Lightning-speed changes in technology dizzy you. And yet your mind teems with ideas. And yet you want, want, want to sustain your creative productivity. But you and I know the problems.
You lose your focus.
Your time slips away.
Your vision fades into a packed scheduler. Your confidence dissolves into a pool of “I’m a fraud and a fool!”-ness.
How can you keep up with let alone innovate in your field?
Imagine your creative momentum like an arrow. What keeps it suspended in air and on-target? What makes the shooting and executing feel effortless?
Discover the inspiration behind Tracking Wonder. When life (literally) goes up in flames, learn to use the transformative power of wonder to find hope and even thrive in challenging times.
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