To Change the Future, Imagine and Make It

To Change the Future, Imagine and Make It

Creative intelligence, as I define it, is the capacity to generate both novel and useful insights and then discern and act upon the best of them. Creative intelligence is something each human being possesses on a spectrum – and creative intelligence is activated collectively with others.

Let me offer some perspective on how powerful – and not passive – our activated imagination and creative intelligence can be to bring about the change we desire.

Awe at work drops reactivity

Awe at work drops reactivity

Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight can be exhausting. It wears down our bodies, affects our well-being, and makes it hard to focus and think creatively. It can also make us feel isolated.

I’ve been curious about how we can break this cycle of automatic reactions without ignoring the tough issues.

Can enjoying simple things, like looking at the sky, really change how we react in conflicts?
If you’re skeptical, let’s look at the science for a moment.

Renew Your Vows to Wonder

Renew Your Vows to Wonder

Cultivating wonder renews how we create, relate to each other, and experience every day. Maybe it is our adult responsibility not to abdicate wonder to children. Maybe it is our responsibility to co-make an adult world infused with wonder so that children cannot wait to become grown ups and make more of it.