The One Reason Time & Task Management Eludes Creatives
Most of you know I’m time-obsessed. And having a three-year-old run about the house has made me all the more time-aware. In fact, it was about three years ago when I started creating my own method to keep up with my multiple brands, projects, and creative work – on top of personal obligations and, oh yeah, health.
It’s a method I’ve tested out with numerous clients, too. With few exceptions most of my clients are time-challenged. Organizing tasks and “getting things done” eludes many creative professionals I know and study.
It’s not because they’re lazy. These are some of the most industrious, well-intending, self-aware people I know. They get the perspiration piece of the equation of creativity.
It’s not because they’re ignorant. Some of their intellects and brilliance humble me.
It’s not because they haven’t tried. Some of these creatives have read books, taken seminars, and tested products on time management, getting things done, and making ideas happen.
So what gives?
Many of them are resistant. But they’re resistant in part because of two reasons: 1) what they’ve tried hasn’t worked and 2) they perceive time management and task management as imposing a rigid form on their organic creativity.
A structured schedule and creativity don’t seem like partners to them.
But when you dig a little deeper into this resistance something else so simple becomes apparent.
Time eludes many mature, intelligent creatives for one simple reason.
They have never been given a method that understands their creative mind.
Most schedulers, planners, and “time management” techniques I’ve used and studied don’t speak the language of a creative mind. They don’t get what drives creative people.
What drives creative people in products and methods: meaning, beauty, and function.
Whether it’s using a tea kettle, an iPhone, or a method for task & time management, creatives thrive on meaning, beauty, and function.
Ever heard of a method for task management and time management emphasize meaning, beauty, and function?
The phrases alone – “task management” and “time management” – conjure images of flourescent-lit cubicle seminars that involve sterile lines and black-and-white charts.
Enter the Mind Rooms eGuide. It’s a handbook to bypass “overwhelm,” make more time, and shape your work flow with meaning & delight.
Plus, graphic artist Monica Gurevich has designed the guide to assure the beauty factor inspires you to craft your own renewed relationship to Time.
I know what it’s like to flounder in Time with an errant mind. And I know what it’s like to thrive in Time with a delighted mind. And I love helping people like you overcome the former and launch your best self into the latter.
When a client sent me an email saying that the Mind Rooms eGuide had changed her life, I thought she was exaggerating. When I saw the results of her work and when other people started sending me similar messages, I paid attention and knew I was onto something that the rest of the public deserved to have and experience.
Do you agree with my take on why time and task management elude creatives? Any experiences with techniques that work for you?
See you in the woods,