It’s in you! This book will ignite your creativity & fuel your innovative potential.

The first eye-opening and mind-expanding exploration of how to foster wonder’s 6 facets to ignite your creativity, fuel your innovative potential, navigate uncertainty with fortitude, and “unbox” other people to deepen your connections.
Do you ever wonder what it takes to live a life where most days you feel lit up with purpose and possibility?
Something other than 10,000 hours of deliberate practice, grit, and wishful thinking?
If so, join the globe. The past year and a half has heightened a collective malaise that likely was with us before the pandemic spread. In short, increased distraction, deflated spirits, and overall burnout from work, parenting, or any creative inspiration.
And maybe you’ve also realized some hard truths: That working harder, meeting material success, and “apping” your way to hyper-productivity won’t get you to the life and work you hunger for.
Even mindful meditation has its limits.
What stands in the gap between your busyness and a life rich with meaning and possibility?
For several years in pursuit of insights to that question, Jeffrey Davis has researched, interviewed, and worked with luminaries across cultures and professions.
Here’s the surprising discovery: He’s identified a singular universal experience that opens us to creative awakening across all walks of life and work: wonder.
The beautiful fact is we each have the capacity to reclaim our birthright to wonder.
There are six facets of wonder you can track and foster:






When you deliberately track and foster facets of wonder, beautiful things happen
Here you are invited to discover for yourself how wonder uniquely helps us.
DISSOLVE our rigid ways of seeing and thinking
SUSTAIN our motivation to pursue big ideas
FERTILIZE our confusion into creativity
NAVIGATE uncertainty and crises with creative fortitude
“UNBOX” other people to deepen our true connections and gift them with wonder

Perhaps there has never been a more important moment for us to track and spread wonder, together.
93% of surveyed mothers and over 60% of surveyed teachers are burned out. Close to 40% of people in the United States report feeling lonely and isolated. Many workers struggle to find meaning and purpose in their work – where they spend most of their days – and in fact many say they’d take a big pay cut if they could derive more personal meaning from their work. Both people and the planet are languishing.
But we don’t have to be a stat. And we collectively don’t have to succumb to a default way of experiencing our days. As we emerge to a new post-pandemic world, we can discover whole new ways to live, work, make, and love. So much is possible.
And you have a companion and guide to do so.

TRACKING WONDER: Reclaiming a Life of Meaning and Possibility in a World Obsessed with Productivity
This is the first book to uncover how you can foster six facets of wonder and activate your young genius – your innate force of character that can guide you toward your most meaningful work in the world.
With science, time-tested applications, Tracking Wonder Journey invitations, and stories from the likes of Oliver Sacks, Arianna Huffington, and soul surfer Bethany Hamilton as well as everyday geniuses of creativity – Tracking Wonder will change the way you see your life, and make it meaningful.
Who is Jeffrey?
Jeffrey works with and researches innovators, social psychologists, writers, and leaders to discover how people flourish in times of rampant challenge and change. Through his community, company, and podcast Tracking Wonder, he works with mindful change-makers and organizations to advance their best ideas for a better world – with wonder as the agent. He has presented at conferences, universities, and organizations throughout the country. He is author of four books and is a regular contributor to Psychology Today online. He lives in the Hudson Valley with his two young daughters and wife Hillary.