UNPLUG from distractions to reimagine work and life with an UNBOUND mind.

A TRACKING WONDER Retreat & Training for leaders, entrepreneurs, & other change-makers

July 3-7, 2024  |  The Poconos Mountains

✓ Unplugged Mindfulness

✓ Deep Connection

✓ Advance Your Vision

Being outdoors changes the way you think.
Being unplugged with an unbound mind could change your life.

Jeffrey Davis

Creative Tension

In this age of distraction, a lot can knock you on your back and off track from pursuing that bold vision, idea, or endeavor that lights you up.

Your bold dream might be your book to advance, the business or startup to expand, or the change in your field you want to make.

But there’s something deeper. You likely sense a better way to work & live with a connection to what brings you alive to purpose, meaning, and joy.

That connection is wonder, the source of possibility and innovation, but how do you restore that link?

The fact is, many of us have fully plugged-in lives that lead to collective distress.


is the average number of times Americans check their phone each day.


of Americans say they get anxious without their phone.


of Americans sleep with their phones.

What if you could UNPLUG to let your imagination roam UNBOUND so you can listen again to what’s possible in work, life, and this one beautiful world – all in a brave container amidst natural surroundings with a pack of open-minded peers who buoy and encourage one another?

Are you ready to RECONNECT to the vision you hold for yourself, your work, and the world?

Your Invitation

UNPLUGGED + UNBOUND™ is an immersive retreat that equips thoughtful leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers to recharge their energy, reimagine what’s possible, and advance bold ideas in life, work, and the world.

A reprieve from the digital grind

Untether from technology to restore spaciousness, presence and emotional resilience. Learn practical techniques to detach from your devices and find peace in the present moment.

An opportunity to collaborate with the outdoors

Science is catching up to what poets and philosophers have known for centuries: Being amidst meadows, streams, and piney woods fosters more creative and innovative ideas, restores calmness, and makes us feel alive so we have the drive and discernment to act wisely.

A haven for expansive discovery and innovation

Make key shifts in your perception as you daily test out new practices for innovating with integrity. Experience new-found energy to reimagine your days with an embodied sense of wonder.

Your Retreat Experience

UNPLUGGED + UNBOUND™ is an immersive retreat & training that equips thoughtful leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers to recharge their energy, reimagine what’s possible, and advance bold ideas in life, work, and the world.

Day 1: Invite Wonder

Gather to connect, attune and prepare to be Unplugged + Unbound. We’ll set and share intentions and draw from our strengths. First session is at 7 pm ET. Arrival at 3 pm ET. Dinner at 6 pm ET.

Days 2-4: The Journey

Magical Mornings

In a magical barn near a bubbling brook, opt-in to the Wonder Method™ of meditation, easeful movements, and a Wonder Walk meditation. No dogma, no embarrassing yoga poses.

In morning sessions, gain support to deliberately unplug from devices.

Learn how to drill down into a meaningful problem, resonant pain point, and beautiful question as ways to move your ideas forward.

Clarify your purpose and mission.

Practice deliberate daydreaming for receiving exponentially greater creative insight, solutions, and fulfillment.

Participate with other change-makers in connective practices that expand your perspective.

Expansive Afternoons:

With time for productive solitude, you also can engage natural surroundings as part of your creative process through evidence-based methods such as Wonder Walks™, pattern perception, and other practices. Enjoy afternoon Grove Gatherings – guided experiences in small pods to pool insights and gain perspective. We close each day in circle.

Elevating Evenings:

After a delicious dinner, you can opt to gather by the campfire for s’mores, take a dusk walk in the woods, star gaze, or connect with new friends.

Day 5: The Return

On our last morning, we assimilate our learnings and custom best practices for transitioning home as well as use our signature processes to road map the coming months with Spacious Pacing. The last session wraps up at noon ET with optional lunch afterward.

We will offer pre-retreat support and guidance to best prepare yourself, loved ones, and co-workers for the experience.

Together, we experience evidence-based Unplugged + Unbound Principles

We liberate ideas by engaging our surroundings for insight.

We capture insights through awareness of awareness.

We expand our thinking in the trusted company of other change-makers.

Secure your spot today

Space is intentionally limited to create a sense of intimacy among participants. Don’t miss the chance to embark on this transformative journey. You can choose from two room types in the Lodge or in a private cabin. Each room has a spacious desk + wifi, central air/heat, hairdryer, soap, shampoo, linens and towels, as well as access to a washer, dryer, and ironing board.


February 15-May 14, 2024
CABINS $3500.00
$740 x 5 ($3700 total)
LODGE $3200.00
$680 x 5 ($3400 total)
We have funding for a limited number of scholarships for BIPOC change-makers, early-stage entrepreneurs, & those with financial hardship.
If you’re interested, please inquire soon at jeffrey @ trackingwonder.com


January 2-February 14, 2024
CABINS $3200.00
$570 x 6 ($3420 total)
LODGE $2900.00
$520 x 6 ($3120.00 total)
We have funding for a limited number of scholarships for BIPOC change-makers, early-stage entrepreneurs, & those with financial hardship.
If you’re interested, please inquire soon at jeffrey @ trackingwonder.com.


February 15-May 14, 2024
CABINS $3500.00
$740 x 5 ($3700 total)
LODGE $3200.00
$680 x 5 ($3400 total)
We have funding for a limited number of scholarships for BIPOC change-makers, early-stage entrepreneurs, & those with financial hardship.
If you’re interested, please inquire soon at jeffrey @ trackingwonder.com

Where We’ll Convene

Our fee includes lodging, delicious meals & desserts, snacks, Unplugged + Unbound Thinksheets, and incomparable experiences. What better place to reclaim our Young Geniuses than at the Highlights Foundation Campus – the very place where the renowned children’s Highlights Magazine started. (You can even visit the farmhouse where the husband and wife empty-nesters seeded this influential magazine.)

Set amidst a 1,300-acre protected forest in Pennsylvania’s inspiring Poconos Mountains, the campus includes a warm and nurturing staff (some who are part of the Highlights family), nature trails, comfortable accommodations, a chef and cooking team attuned to local ingredients and special diets, a word stone garden, a tree swing, an outdoor patio with fireplace, and bountiful wondrous nooks in buildings and outdoors to work solo and together.

Stories from our past immersions

Jeffrey Davis will change your creative life.…

Jeffrey Davis will change your creative life. Best creative genius teacher I have ever worked with – no kidding. Working with him is astonishing, energizing, and wonder-infusing. I keep returning to the notes from our sessions and using them like wise bread crumbs to find my way with my creative projects. I am far less anxious, more forgiving, and far more trusting of my process and book. He can be your secret weapon to creative productivity and compassion. He is mine.”


Personal Growth Pioneer, Best-Selling Author, & Teacher Extraordinaire, jenniferlouden.com

Is this a great fit?

You’re ready to be Unplugged + Unbound if:

UNPLUGGED + UNBOUND™ is not a branding intensive, writing workshop, or business incubator, but Jeffrey will be on-hand to offer guidance in those areas.

You’re a thoughtful leader, entrepreneur and changemaker who has a bold project or business you want to advance.

You’re driven by a vision to make meaningful impact in the world.

You hunger for dedicated time away from screens to reboot your focus on what matters.

You value being outdoors in nature to restore your well-being and gain surprising insights.

You value self-awareness as essential to creating a healthy work-life integration.

You value idea-sharing, relationship-building and collaboration.

You value working directly with an experienced strategist and coach with specialities in human flourishing, mindfulness, & innovative business practices.

Jeffrey Davis


has led transformational retreats, immersions, and group experiences for over 20 years in multiple countries.

He and his team know how to design for delight, insight, and belonging.  For over 25 years, Jeffrey has worked with and inspired thousands of change makers, leaders, organizations, and creatives to unlock their best ideas through the pursuit of curiosity, innovation, and wonder.

He writes for outlets such as Psychology Today and is the author of the book Tracking Wonder and other books.

Featured in 11

Our Sacred Creative Partnership with Nature

Several years ago, I noticed my mind had changed in frightening ways.

I had taken a solo deep dive retreat to advance a complex endeavor. But on the first day, I couldn’t concentrate, and I couldn’t stay off of the Internet. For the previous five years, I had transferred much of my business to the online sphere. Without realizing it, my mind had become fully plugged in, addicted to the dopamine hits of email and social media. My mind felt held captive and binded to an invisible cell.

I could no longer think, imagine, or create as freely as I once could.

I also had to take stock of my soul. I had become more irritable, short-fused, and anxious. 

I realized I wasn’t the only one suffering. 

After that experience, I shifted much of my applied research toward two questions: 1) How has increased digital fixation harmed our cognition, creativity, relationships, and well-being? and 2) How can experiences in nature, mindfulness, and collaboration restore our calm spirits, make us feel alive again, and boost our ability to generate new, useful, and beautiful ideas?

 I’ve since re-discovered something I have known all along and you probably have, too: We human beings are part and parcel of nature. When we thoughtfully experience natural surroundings, our minds become unbound and expansive.

Without hugging trees (although I’ve been known to do so without apology), we can experience this fact that scientists worldwide are catching onto. – Jeffrey

Everyone had a gift for me…

“Everyone had a gift for me in what they were doing and & how they showed up. It was really powerful.”


Author, Agritourism Speaker, & Founder, Apple Hill Farm

“What if I don’t see myself as a creative person?”

We each have an innate capacity to generate and act upon both novel and useful ideas & insights. That’s what creativity is – our ability to glean and act on fresh insights of possibility. You can learn to foster an “unbound skill set” that equips you to do so with confidence.

Wonder is not kid’s stuff. Wonder is radical grown-up stuff.

“Why shouldn’t I just take a solo retreat?”

Year after year, we get this feedback: “You attract the most phenomenal people.” We attract people who lead with their open hearts and radiant minds.

The research on productive solitude for leaders is clear: Solitude must be punctuated with your being able to voluntarily engage with peers. It’s difficult to regulate emotions in prolonged solitude.

We create a brave, safe container for you to bond with remarkable people. We use research-based methods for collaborative work that prime everyone for exponential impact.

We will discover the change we can affect together in partnerships, pods, and collectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

It was the best educational and discovery experience…

“Jeffrey’s coaching was outstanding and achieved what I had struggles with for years. It was the best educational and discovery experience I have had since college and I am sure you will experience the same transformative success. This transition has led to a significant increase in my client work in the areas where I want to work. I am not chasing billable hours anymore. I am expressing a point of view in a platform that attracts commercial support. The return on investment here is off the charts. You just can’t beat earning money doing what you love.”


Business Consultant & author of Radical Impact

UNPLUG from distractions and reimagine your work and life with an UNBOUND mind


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