4 Keys to Write & Finish a Book – Really?
Not so long ago, people really didn’t know about the book launches my clients had or their New York Times best-selling successes or Oprah appearances or simply finishing the books that had been brewing inside them sometimes for years.
I used to think it poor form to draw attention to my work or to my clients. Nuts, right? It’s obvious now that examples of my clients’ work is not about me. It’s about you. It’s about how you see your best potential self in the extraordinary work they do.
And few things exhilarate me more than to see someone meet her creative potential. So, if my sharing client stories and testimonies emboldens you, then it’s worth my doing so.
When it comes to authoring a book or eBook, I don’t have all of the answers, but I do know 4 keys that work over and over again to help anyone move closer toward fulfilling their dreams of finishing and launching the book they must write.
These keys have worked for New York Times best-selling authors and first-timers, people with Master’s of Fine Arts degrees and newbies, art critics and homesteaders, radio show producers and teachers, VPs and CEOs, novelists and memoirists.
I’m sharing these 4 keys in this exclusive webinar because they can work for you or someone you care about.
Here are a few accounts that make the promises for me:
I really love the twists you put on the various traditional approaches to story, and I found the breakdown of the story structure for thought leaders to be especially helpful.
– Laraine Herring, author of Writing with the Breath and The Writing Warrior, laraineherring.com
I am celebrating a huge accomplishment which is I finally KNOW what my book is about. After several years of hemming and hawing about what was it exactly I was going to write, I am clear now about the story I must tell.
– Lila Danielle, writer, liladanielle.com
I’m actually DOING something about this project. I started writing about a year ago and in 1 month’s time, I am light years ahead of where I was a year ago. I actually feel like I will complete this project and write a freaking book! Can’t believe it or how good it feels to write that!
– Barb Suarez, Certified Childbirth Educator and thought leader writer
Does that sound like what you want to hear yourself say?
You won’t hear here tried-and-true stuff like, “Write what you love!” or “Write what you know!” or “Make an outline!”
We’ll cut to the core.
Listen, there are plenty of books out there and plenty of frustrated writers and authors out there. Let’s contribute real value to the book world and eBook world. Let’s put your brave new book, your brave new story into the hands and hearts of people who need it.
Be brave.
Be heard.
Stand up and shape the book and Story you must tell.
Get on the Insider Brave New Story List
Thanks for running with me,
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