Amy Weintraub Interview: Creativity + Emotions + Yoga
Moods can mangle our creativity. Just ask AMY WEINTRAUB. Over 15 years ago, Amy was a depressed novelist living in New York City. Near-paralyzed by depression, she went on anti-depressants and hoped for a miracle. Instead, she found yoga. And dropped the anti-depressants. She also wrote a top-selling book.
Author of Yoga for Depression (Random House 2004), recipient of an MFA in Creative Writing from Bennington, an award-winning film maker, founder of Life Force Yoga Training led around the world, author of numerous CDs and DVDs, and a highly respected thought leader in emotions & yoga, Amy Weintraub these days is anything but paralyzed.
And she has much we can learn from when it comes to implementing quick tools for our creative flow and letting the body and breath be part and parcel of our creative enterprising and process.
She was generous enough to talk with me recently. The interview-conversation follows.
* Yoga’s Liftoff for a Depressed Novelist
* How Yoga Opens Our Creative Receptivity
* Creatives & Yogis as Amygdala Whisperers
* Teaching & Facilitating as Creative Work
* Wonder On & Off the Mat
* Amy’s Life Flow Yoga Training on Paradise Island, Bahamas
* Amy’s new book
* Special Bonus: An Easy Exercise to Lift Brooding Moods
Share your story about moods & creativity, and send me a question about the topic. I’ll do my best to help or else just listen. Love having you at The Hut.
See you in the woods,
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