4 Ways “No” Can Grow Your Business, Brand, & Life
Once there was a girl who learned to say “yes” to her mother’s requests to please her and “yes” to her friends so as not to make waves and “yes” to her teachers to get good grades. As a…
Once there was a girl who learned to say “yes” to her mother’s requests to please her and “yes” to her friends so as not to make waves and “yes” to her teachers to get good grades. As a…
Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. It’s simple. Just be human. That’s this month’s advice given by experts who are studying the shifts customers and other businesses are desiring to observe…
In our work with numerous professionals, CEOs, and creative entrepreneurs, we hear a common tension: They want to take charge of their brand but they do not want to appear fake. You probably know that feeling. In this engagement economy, you…
Consider this scenario. On Week 1 of an experiment, I sent a book to Person A that they love, and a book to Person B that they did not love. On Week 2, Person A got a book they liked…
Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. This month is all about individualizing your company, your personal life and even your wardrobe. An award winning journalist pushes companies to pick a side –…
It took me 42 years to make a podcast. A fantasy surfaces when you’re a child, and maybe you follow it. You want to be a fierce warrior or a wood fairy. Or both. More than likely, you don’t follow…
As business artists, we are blessed and cursed with a generative mind – the ability to come up with lots of ideas. But this comes with a specific problem: which idea is the right one for us to pursue, and…
In working with so many creatives and entrepreneurs over the years, I’ve found that typically humans react to rejection in one of two ways. The Stiff Upper Lip: We put our heads down and try to carry on as if…
Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. March’s digest applies theory and philosophy to creativity and branding. And while one author pushes companies to embrace the third industrial revolution, another uses timeless…
We all know the excitement of planning. It allows you to create the perfect set of circumstances for the realization of your idea. And that idea – whether your book, a product, or change in career direction – could, without…
Discover the inspiration behind Tracking Wonder. When life (literally) goes up in flames, learn to use the transformative power of wonder to find hope and even thrive in challenging times.
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