Welcome to the Quest 2018 Emails Page. If you fear you’ve missed any emails regarding Quest 2018, you can look below for those emails to catch up.
Not sure how to access the roundtable conversations and instigations?
- Go to this page: https://trackingwonder.com/quest-2018-community/
- Enter the password Q18.
That’s it.
Thanks for running with us,
The Tracking Wonder Team
Best Year bonus
December 1, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-01: Introductory #BestYear Instigation! (Bonus Video)
Good Morning,
Are you ready to Quest? I am. I’ve been so excited that I decided to make this bonus instigation video for you.
In this video, I take you through an introductory Quest instigation that helps you envision your best self doing your best work in the coming year. Your responding to this instigation sooner than later will help you have a rich Quest experience this December.
You can read about the psychology research that supports this special instigation in this article I wrote for Psychology Today.
Here’s the prompt in writing.
Find a quiet, private place. Then, follow these instructions:
Imagine your best possible self at the end of a year from now. In this case, imagine you are in December 2018 looking back upon how you have shown up for 2017. See yourself in a specific place as if you were looking back upon the year: maybe a favorite chair, a deck or balcony, a mountainside.
As your best self “looks back” upon the year (2018), reflect upon and write in intimate detail your response to these questions:
How have you shown up for your best work? What kinds of distinct activities have you been engaged in? What have you been making or creating as part of your best work?
Who have you engaged and how has your work positively impacted them?
What have you done differently that has stretched you?
What 1, 2, or 3 big goals have you reached?
In the process, what challenge has your best self met and how?
What skill set or craft did you learn or improve upon?
What 1 habit did you add, adjust, or drop?
And overall, how have you felt throughout the year when you’re engaged with your best work?
Write a personal or professional response in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #BestYear on social media to connect with other Questers.
Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Repeat the prompt in your response.
Always link back to our main page in each post – http://quest2018.com.
Use the hashtag #WeQuest and #BestYear in social media posts. Let’s connect with each other, share each other’s responses, and share our quest with our patches of the planet.
Thanks for running with me,
Week one
December 5, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-02: Quest2018, Week One: #Purpose
Good Morning,
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, creatives, professionals, and thought leaders I’ve worked and talked with, you likely get tripped up sometimes with questions about purpose. What is your purpose? How do you “find” yours? Why does the process feel so anxious?
Now that you’ve started to map your best year a year from now, let’s dive into your sussing out your purpose this year and how you’re going to make space to discover, test, and live your purpose this year.
Here are instructions for how to Quest this week, week one of the Quest2018 Experience!
This week’s round table conversation is with two visionary leaders who know a lot about “testing purpose” and “finding and living on purpose” – Katie Dalebout (Let it Out) and Caroline Adams Miller (Getting Grit).
I was honored to dive into each leader’s personal journey.
In this conversation, you’ll
hear how the seeds of their young geniuses came to play in their life’s purpose
discover how we can get thrown off-purpose by following other people’s expectations
learn how pain and misery can become the seeds of purpose and mission
learn how writing and journaling are powerful tools to become more self-aware and to uncover your purpose
how to moderate your emotions when pursuing purpose can create anxiety
Visit the Questers’ Community Page (password:Q18) to listen to the roundtable conversation.
Here are your paired instigations to respond to and share this week as part of the Quest2018 Experience:
Katie Dalebout
When we get clarity on what we want to create and it’s for the greater good of humanity, then that vision can happen more easily. When we make space to show up this way, the universe will fill it with our desires, but we have to make space. How are you going to make space in 2018 to create what you really want that will be for the greater good of humanity? What ritual might help your mindset make space?
Caroline Adams Miller
If you choose to tackle harder goals on a daily basis, imagine how you could amplify the positive impact you want to have on the world.
It’s often said that “You can’t keep what you don’t give away.’” What will you give to other people through your best work in 2018 that will positively impact them so that you might keep it, as well?
What do you need to do in 2018 to ensure that you live without unnecessary regrets and have that kind of fulfilling purpose and impact on others?
- Print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. (You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password:Q18))
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #Purpose on social media to connect with other Questers.
Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Caroline is a renowned Positive Psychology coach, speaker, and author who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on the science of goal-setting and grit. In 2015 she was named “one of the ten Positive Psychology coaches to follow.” Caroline is the author of 6 nonfiction books and her most recent book, Getting Grit has been heralded as one of the “Top 10 Books That Will Change Your Life in 2017.”
Katie hosts the podcast Let It Out and is author of the Amazon best-selling book of the same name, Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling. Her unfiltered and authentic writing style helps others cultivate more self-awareness in their lives. Katie’s work has been featured in countless publications including Daily Mail, Women’s Health, Refinery29, Teen Vogue, The Telegraph, and Glamour.
Thanks for running with me,
December 7, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-03: #Purpose Follow Up & Support Video (From Jeffrey!)
Good Morning,
Wow! I’m loving seeing how Questers are already showing up to test, find, and work on purpose this week.
I’ve created a video to support and encourage you with Week One’s visionary leader prompts from Katie Dalebout and Caroline Adams Miller.
In this video you’ll gain more ideas for how to make space for your purpose and how to imagine and think through the kind of impact your best work can have on other people.
If you missed any of the prompts and instigations, you can catch up here.
Caroline is a renowned Positive Psychology coach, speaker, and author who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on the science of goal-setting and grit. In 2015 she was named “one of the ten Positive Psychology coaches to follow.” Caroline is the author of 6 nonfiction books and her most recent book, Getting Grit has been heralded as one of the “Top 10 Books That Will Change Your Life in 2017.”
Katie hosts the podcast Let It Out and is author of the Amazon best-selling book of the same name, Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling. Her unfiltered and authentic writing style helps others cultivate more self-awareness in their lives. Katie’s work has been featured in countless publications including Daily Mail, Women’s Health, Refinery29, Teen Vogue, The Telegraph, and Glamour.
Thanks for running with me,
December 9, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-04:#Purpose Quest2018 Mapping Support Video (From Jeffrey!)
Good Morning,
I’m giving you some bonus consulting & coaching here to help you look ahead to Q1 of 2018.
In this video, I help you look ahead to Q1 2018 and define one key milestone you aim to reach and how in order to keep working and living on purpose in the coming year.
If you missed any of the roundtable conversations, instigations, or videos, you can catch up on our Questers’ Community Page.
- Go to this page: https://trackingwonder.com/quest-2018-community/
- Enter the password Q18.
Thanks for running with me,
December 12, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-05: Quest2018, Week Two: #DreamDone
Good Morning,
The entrepreneurial world places a premium on getting stuff done. That’s helpful to catalyze creative-minded people out of analysis paralysis and daydreaming fantasy-making. On the other hand, not enough time for or skill in deliberate daydreaming can lead to burning out and supporting the status quo in our lives and culture.
How do we learn the best practices to get stuff done and to dream stuff up? How do we become more aware of our excesses in either capacity and optimize our best days and weeks to assure we advance our best work while taking care of our best selves?
This week’s round table conversation is with two visionary leaders who know this terrain well, Ishita Gupta and Charlie Gilkey.
I was honored to dive into each leader’s personal journey.
In this conversation, you’ll
- hear how the seeds of their young geniuses came to play in their life’s purpose
- learn how systems can help you stay afloat and help you act on your vision
- hear how to use prototyping to figure out what works for you
- discover the key to innovation starts with you
- consider the importance dreaming as responsible entrepreneurs
- hear how to avoid the distopian state of total work
- how to use digital tools deliberately to daydream deliberately
Visit the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 ) to listen to the roundtable conversation.
Here are your paired instigations to respond to and share this week as part of the Quest2018 Experience:
Ishita Gupta
If what you desired most – the book deal, the mentor you’re scared to send the email to, the perfect partnership- what you’ve wished and prayed for – if it landed on your doorstep tomorrow, would you be ready for it?
Charlie Gilkey
When prompted to dream, a natural default for many of us is to start thinking and end up in our head. We dream of logical possibilities, things we might do, places we might be, and so on.
What’s often left out of it, though, is how we feel. Since feeling drives action more than thought does, this is a major oversight and often leads to dreaming that never turns into action.
So, rather than dreaming from the head, I want to prompt you to dream from the heart. There are many ways to go about this, but choose one of the prompts below that tugs the most at you:
1) What do you want to feel at the end of 2018 that you currently don’t feel or don’t feel enough of? (Good: I want to feel excited about what I’m working on; not so good: I want to know what’s the right thing for me to focus on.)
2) When you look over or think about the items you’ve dreamed up for next year, which, if removed, causes you to wince or evokes some sense of pain or regret? Suggestion: get rid of all the optional items that don’t cause pain if they’re booted.
3) Place your hand on your heart. Imagine yourself at the end of next year. What calls to you? Pay more attention to what’s coming from your body than from your head. You’ll feel it. (Hat tip to Courtney Carver for the hand on your heart tip)
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #DreamDone on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Ishita Gupta is a business breakthrough strategist, public speaker, and entrepreneur. She graduated from author, blogger, and former dot com business executive, Seth Godin’s Alternative MBA. Gupta runs a coaching and consulting business where she has training programs to help business owners thrive. She advises people on how to build confidence and self-worth so they can attain their dreams. Her digital courses teach people confidence and emotional skills. She writes about living your best life and her online magazine, Fear.less profiles entrepreneurs, authors and artists who speak on how to live without fear.
Charlie Gilkey is an in-demand trainer, speaker, and business growth advisor who helps small businesses start finishing the stuff that matters. Focusing on strategy, planning, execution, and leadership development, Charlie has worked with hundreds of business owner-executives. His work is regularly featured in places like Inc.com, BNET, MSNBC, Project Domino, Under30CEO, Upmarket, Small Business MO, and Carol Roth’s Unsolicited Business Advice Blog. Charlie’s book The Small Business Life Cycle helps small business owners grow their businesses strategically by taking the right steps at the right time and is an Amazon bestseller.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 14, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-06: Quest2018: #WeQuest Together
Good Morning from New York,
What makes Quest so incredible and powerful is Doing It Together and providing support and perspective for one another. Let’s make social media into Quest media & engagement media.
You can search Twitter for #WeQuest to find us there and send some RT Quest love.
Here are some #WeQuest responses for #BestYear, #Purpose, and #DreamDone:
- A K Anderson’s #DreamDone post (visionary leader Charlie Gilkeyreplied to her post on Twitter)
- Nancy Seibel’s Purpose post (which models how to link to other Questers’ posts – way to go, Nancy!)
- Kristin Shanahan’s #BestYear Instagram post # 1 & Instagram post # 2
- Beryl Broekman’s #Purpose Tweet
- Katie De Jong’s #DreamDone blog post (a good example of how to provide readers with full context!)
- Elna van Niekirk’s #BestYear blog post
- Kelsey Blackwell’s #Purpose Blog Post on The Marvelous Crumb
- Michelle Margaret Fajkus’s Creating Space, Taking Action blog post on Yoga Freedom
There are many more posts to read, view, and share. Search for #WeQuest on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to find others!
If you haven’t posted yet, no problem. When you do post, you can follow these best practices.
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #Purpose, #BestYear, or #DreamDone on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Together, we will make 2018 extraordinary.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 16, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-07:#DreamDone Quest2018 Mapping Support Video (From Jeffrey!)
Map your vision to enact your vision. That’s the take-away I’d liker you to have. Getting in the habit of looking ahead and making a flexible 3-month map will help you assume agency of your Quest and of your vision.
Here’s a two-part Saturday bonus strategic consulting video aimed to help you
- assimilate your Quest work to date
- map ahead one dream project as part of your vision
- dream stuff up while getting stuff done
- Help you practice envisioning with some heartfelt strategy
VIDEO 1: https://youtu.be/PfZwWlrJRK0
VIDEO 2: https://youtu.be/zQQqDVc-yPk
- Review your #BestSelf responses to help you define your dream project: – What key activities have you been engaged in in 2018 that have brought out your best talents? Whom have you been having an impact on? What are your 1-3 stretchable goals? (Video 1)
- Define your one dream project that must stay in your 2018 vision. (Video 1)
- For Month 1, explore, define, and refine the key problem your project might solve for or key pain it might salve. Research, dream, define. (Video 1)
- For Month 2, generate possible solutions. Ideate, research, incubate, choose & define! (Video 2)
- Decide upon the best medium to test your delivering a solution – a new coaching or consulting offer, a group offer, a workshop, a shorter writing piece to publish, a captivating talk. (Video 2)
- For Month 3, set up an experiment to test your possible solution. (Video 2)
And, hey! If your Vision is more personally oriented, for now you might be your target audience. For instance, a while back I was having a problem feeling optimal in my body and mind in the mornings. That was a problem. One solution I sought was to find the right sequencing of the right core components of a morning practice. Maybe I could come up with a core morning practice “formula.” But before I could “sell” or even test such a formula, I needed to use myself for a several-week and several-month experiment in which I tracked my experiences in a notebook. That gave me some foundational data – while also serving my best curious creative self in the process.
So, if turning this 3-month focus on defining your process problem, defining possible solutions for you, and then testing out on yourself – then go for it! That’s starting from a place of integrity – and it’s actually the foundation of numerous solutions I have created in my endeavors.
This is why Ishita says the heart of innovation must be personal.
Map your vision to enact your vision.
Now more than ever we need people like you to step up and test your best work.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 19, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-08: Quest2018, Week Three: #SolitudeCollaboration
Good Morning,
We know that Do It Together Beats Do It Yourself, but we also know that mastery, true leadership with self-awareness, and innovative thinking require prolonged periods of solitude.
The dance for every high-performing and effective entrepreneur, creative, or professional involves finessing the right rhythms of solitude versus collaboration.
How do you work with those competing or complementary needs in the coming year as your quest to advance your best work for a better world?
Solitude & Collaboration – that’s the focus of this week in the Quest2018 Experience! Here’s how to participate and further assure you will enact your vision for your best year.
To help us suss out these questions “in living color,” I’ve called upon two colleagues and visionary leaders, Pam Slim (Escape from Cubicle Nation, Body of Work) and Leo Babauta (Zen Habits).
I was honored to dive into their personal and professional journeys.
In this conversation, you’ll
hear to what extent each of their young genius leaned more toward solitary dreaming or collaborative company
hear how central collaboration was as each leader made radical changes in their personal and professional journeys
discover how important collaboration is when transitioning and building new endeavors
learn what each leader considers qualities of optimal collaboration
learn in what instances prolonged solitude is vital to your quest
consider how our culture collectively does not often support extended solitude
how to build the solitude habit
how to regulate your emotions while in solitude
Visit the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 ) to listen to the roundtable conversation.
Here are your paired instigations to respond to and share this week as part of the Quest2018 Experience:
Pam Slim
What kind of collaboration is the most fulfilling for your creative growth? What one project or goal this year could benefit from your pursuing that kind of collaboration? What will you do on a monthly basis to pursue that kind of collaboration? With whom possibly?
Leo Babauta
How can you challenge yourself to carve out separate blocks each day for solitude? What new or modified daily habit will help you do so? Whom can you call upon to help you cultivate this habit?
When you’re in your solitude block, notice your resistance and relax into it.
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #DreamDone on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Pamela Slim is a business consultant, public speaker and an award-winning author. Previously the director of training and development at Barclays Global Investors, Slim consulted thousands of executives, managers and employees at major companies. Escape from Cubicle Nation, was Slim’s website where she helped corporate employees become entrepreneurs and developed her following. In 2016, Slim opened K’é, where she conducts workshops, features master classes from experts and supports her local small business community. Slim assists people in starting and growing their own successful businesses. Her latest book is Body of Work. Slim is also an impassioned martial artist.
Leo Babauta is a blogger, journalist and published author. Originally from Guam, Babauta has resided in San Francisco since 2010 with his wife and six kids. His blog, Zen Habits, has over 200,000 subscribers. It offers suggestions changing negative habits in order to have a simple, mindful life. Babauta is an advocate for minimalist living, productivity and organization. His books, Zen To Done, The Power of Less, Ultralight: The Zen Habits Guide to Traveling Light & Living Light, and The Zen Habits Beginners Guide to Mindfulness focus on ways to achieve these goals and find happiness.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 21, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-09: Quest2018: #WeQuest Together
Good Morning,
Thank you for embracing Do It Together and providing support and perspective for one another. I wanted to share posts on this week’s theme of #SolitudeCollaboration and more from #BestYear, #Purpose, & #DreamDone.
Here are some #WeQuest responses
- Fateme Banishoeib’s #Purpose Post on ReNew Business
- Tricia Chitwood’s #Purpose blog post
- Ginny Taylor’s #DreamDone Instagram post
- A K Anderson’s #SolitudeCollaboration post, What Does an Introvert’s Network Look Like? (incredible modeling of how to link to other Questers’ posts!)
- Jamie Hansen’s #Purpose blog post & Instagram post
- Nancy Seibel’s Instagram post
- Elna van Niekirk’s #DreamDone blog post
- Kelsey Blackwell’s #DreamDone Blog Post on The Marvelous Crumb
- Francis Fay’s #Purpose blog post on SkyBlue
- Suzi Bank Baum #Purpose blog post, Advent Week Two: A purpose full quest
- Amy Hunt’s #BestYear blog post
There are many more posts to read, view, and share. Search for #WeQuest on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to find others!
If you haven’t posted yet, no problem. When you do post, you can follow these best practices.
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #Purpose, #BestYear, #DreamDone, or #SolitudeCollaboration on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Together, we will make 2018 extraordinary.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 23, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-10:#SolitudeCollaboration 2018 Mapping Video (from Jeffrey!)
Good Morning,
This week’s roundtable conversation & paired instigations around the needs for collaboration and for solitude stimulated a lot of activity in the Quest2018 Experience!
I’ve created this bonus support video to help you further think through each leader’s instigations as you map out your best year.
I hope the video helps you Quest better.
Remember, we’ve got your back.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 26, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-11: Quest2018, Week Four: #CommunityCompetition
Good Morning,
Welcome to Week 4 of the Quest2018 Experience! Can you believe it’s already Week 4?
One tenet of business as unusual at Tracking Wonder is
We’re also adamant about helping our clients build vital communities as part of their brands & businesses.
But how can we think of competition in fresh ways that are not cut-throat & unethical but also not naive?
How can we build communities with integrity? How can we build communities while still protecting our own intellectual property and clientele?
How can we enlist competitors as potential collaborators?
Join the Quest2018 Experience this week as we dive into these questions and more to help you map and enact your best year.
This week’s round table conversation is with two visionary leaders who know this terrain well, Dorie Clark and Jonathan Fields.
In this conversation, you’ll
- hear how the seeds of their young geniuses came to play in their life’s purpose
hear how competitive drive played a part (or didn’t) in each of them growing up and accomplishing what they have
discover the trap in comparing performance to others rather than competing with one own’s best
consider how envy can be a driving force
consider framing competition as differentiating yourself in your field and learn how to do that
gain insight on how not to be opportunistic when trying to build community and what holds community together.
learn what resources to check out for building community and what first steps you can take if you want to build community around your brand.
Visit the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 ) to listen to the roundtable conversation.
Here are your paired instigations to respond to and share this week as part of the Quest2018 Experience:
Jonathan Fields
Finding or building community starts with shared values and beliefs. Write down three or four deeply held values or beliefs about the way you see the world and what’s important to you.
Dorie Clark
“To get an invitation, you have to give an invitation.”
Who will you invite to the table in 2018, and what form will this take?
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #DreamDone on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Father, husband, serial entrepreneur, growth strategist and award-winning author, Jonathan Fields inspires possibility. He currently runs mission-driven media and education venture, Good Life Project®, where he and his team lead a global community in the quest to live more meaningful, connected and vital lives, which is the focus of his latest book is How to Live a Good Life. The Good Life team produces a top-rated podcast and video-series with millions of listens and views in more than 150 countries, where Jonathan regularly shares conversations with the world’s leading voices, like Sir Ken Robinson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Milton Glaser, Brene Brown, Gretchen Rubin and hundreds more. Wall Street Journal named it one of the best self-development podcasts in the world.
Dorie Clark began her career as a journalist and political operative. She is now a marketing and strategy consultant, business school professor, author and according to Inc., of of the “100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next Conference.” Clark started her marketing strategy consultant business in 2006 and The New York Times described her as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.” Clark’s book, Stand Out, was a Washington Post bestseller and named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine. Her latest book is called Entrepreneurial You.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 28, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-12: Quest2018,: #WeQuest Together
Good Morning,
Your continued Do It Together attitude, support and perspective is so heartening to see. I wanted to share posts on this week’s theme of #CompetitionCommunity and more from #BestYear, #Purpose, #DreamDone, & #SolitudeCollaboration.
Here are some #WeQuest responses
- Elna van Niekirk’s #SolitudeCollaboration blog post
- Kelsey Blackwell’s Twitter Takeaway from the #SolitudeCollaboration roundtable
- Jamie Hansen’s #CommunityCompetition blog post
- Millie Jackson’s #DreamDone blog post
- Nancy Seibel’s #DreamDone blog post
There are many more posts to read, view, and share. Search for #WeQuest on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to find others!
If you haven’t posted yet, no problem. When you do post, you can follow these best practices.
- If you haven’t yet, print out your Quest 2018 Field Guide and use it to organize your ideas and thoughts throughout Quest. You can find your Quest 2018 Field Guide on the Questers’ Community Page (password: Q18 )
- In reply to each Visionary prompt below, you can write a professional response or blog post for your business or venture, or you can write a personal response or blog post in which you share how you will quest accordingly in 2018.
- Mention the Visionary Thought Leaders and instigations (clue your readers in) in your response.
- Make sure you refer back to our QuestHQ – quest2018.com
- On your blog, YouTube video, Instagram, Facebook Page, Periscope, Facebook Live video, LinkedIn, or Medium. Use #WeQuest and #Purpose, #BestYear, #DreamDone, or #SolitudeCollaboration on social media to connect with other Questers.
- Quest Facebook Forum: You also can post or link to your post at our Quest Facebook Forum. To post in the forum, look for my post with the PROMPT NUMBER and #HASHTAG. The most recent PROMPT post is pinned at the top. Post or link to your response in the COMMENTS section underneath. Be sure to engage each other to get the most from connecting with your fellow Questers.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.
December 30, 2017
SUBJECT: Q18-13: #CompetitionCommunity 2018 Mapping Video (from Jeffrey!)
Good Morning,
This week’s roundtable conversation & paired instigations revolved around competition and community-building.
I’ve created this bonus support video to help you further think through each leader’s instigations as you map out your best year.
I hope the video helps you Quest better.
Remember, we’ve got your back.
Thanks for running with me,
EMAILS: Missed any emails thus far? You can catch up here.
FAQ: Do you have questions? Visit our Quest 2018 FAQ page here.