Resources to Help You Show Up For Your Passion & Your Purpose
A sense of purposeful, meaningful work is one of the most vital ways that high-achieving creatives and creative entrepreneurs deal with the daily challenges that they face.
Plus, research has shown that now, more than ever, people are hungry for brands that are driven by purpose.
I discussed the pursuit of purposeful work in episode 2 of the Tracking Wonder podcast “Do We Find Purpose or Test It Out?”, with podcaster, blogger and, author Katie Dalebout and with executive coach, speaker, and author Caroline Adams Miller.
We talked about the value of journaling when it comes to self-awareness, making meaning of our lives and healing, and some advice around taking care of yourself in the pursuit of a purposeful life.
To help encourage and motivate you to show up and be true to your purpose, I have curated some further ways you can live with the question: Do we find our purpose or test it out?
1. Access your TrueLine
This exercise is tied to one of my key branding frameworks that I facilitate in my branding program ArtMark™, as well as in our live immersive Brand Artistry Labs.
A TrueLine is a succinct statement of what you distinctly do and for whom. It may include why you are uniquely qualified to do what you do – why your brand and your purpose align.
What verb encapsulates how you feel when you’re doing your genius work and feel lit up in relation to what you’re making or how you’re engaging people in ideal ways?
Write down your verb or verbs on a colored 5X7 index card. Post it in your daily planner and remind yourself every single morning of the verb you embody.
What’s my brand verb?
I equip mission-centered entrepreneurs, professionals, creatives, organizations, and other business artists to increase impact & return – with integrity.
My fatherhood brand verbs these days?
- Listen.
- Guide.
- Protect.
In this sense, purpose is a verb. Purpose comes from our regular, intentional actions.
Remember, your brand is not your website or logo. Those are elements of branding. Your brand is the total emotional experience people have with you at any touch point.
That experience begins with a verb. And branding begins with you. Your daily devotions. Your daily actions. Your purpose.
2. Tracking Wonder on Passion & Your Purpose
- What do you do when you can’t know your passion & purpose?
Why do we often not know ourselves very well? And how can we increase our self-knowledge? - How do we find Purpose?
Most entrepreneurs and creatives strive for a purpose-driven life. But what we’re really talking about when we talk about purpose is finding meaning. And more specifically, meaningful work. - The Motivation Behind Mission Driven Brands
Trends show that people are hungry for brands with genuine purpose. - Larissa Rainey Study: ‘The Search for Purpose in Life’
3. Books to Help You Live A Purposeful Life
- Let it Out: A Journey Through Journaling by Katie Dalebout
- Getting Grit: The Evidence-Based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose by Caroline Adams Miller
- Activate Leadership: Aspen Truths to Empower Millennial Leaders by Jon Mertz
4. MasterClass: The Well-Designed Offer for Impact, Integrity, and Income: 6 Surefire Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Creating & Selling Offers
If you’re looking for a way to put your purpose into action, be it through creating a course or workshop or app, but you’re not sure how to start or if doing so is worth the return, consider taking part in one of our upcoming MasterClasses.
I promise to:
- Give you Insights into current trends that make well-designed offers essential
- Point out the temptations that throw us all off our game
- Share with you the common pitfalls I’ve seen entrepreneurs, including myself, commit when designing offers
- Share with you 6 sure-fire tips that will help you avoid those pitfalls and build impact and income with integrity
Whether you’re working from scratch or from an outdated brand, these steps work. The solutions and tips I offer work over and over again to help anyone move closer toward fulfilling their dreams of discovering and shaping their mission-centered brand and business.
You can not only increase your distinct impact in the world, but also increase your financial return beyond trading dollars for hours. All while staying true to your purpose.