State Of Wonder Annual Dispatch
Since 2005 – when wonder seemed endangered – I have kept my eye and ear on writers, designers, musicians and artists, and I also have turned an eye and ear toward entrepreneurs, educators, and CEOs. And in so doing eventually founded Tracking Wonder Consulting & Programs to assure that both groups learn from each other to create captivating work that elevates our humanity.
I wanted to share with you the 20-page STATE OF WONDER ANNUAL DISPATCH – 2012. It is a reflection and report on how a creative-minded entrepreneur has tried to assure his business pursuits do not swallow his creative work so the wonder stays alive. It brings you further into my story as an accidental (but now thriving) entrepreneur – and the challenges that my successes have brought.
It includes questions and take-away tips to help you and your team reflect upon your own professional, personal, and creative aspirations and endeavors so you can captivate, elevate, and enchant your own customers, audiences, and fan packs. I also shed intimate light on someone who deeply influenced this wonder-tracker when he was a tow-headed boy and a gray-headed man.
Suffice it to say, wonder is alive and kicking – and, yes, sometimes wonder does kick the way, say, a fetus does. A nudge in your gut when you’re pregnant with possibility.
Click here to download the dispatch and read, and if you find value in what you read, please shout out to your friends and link them back to this page. Leave your comments and responses here, too.
Download info: 1.31 MB, 20 colored pages, printable to 8.5×11 paper.
Thanks as always for running with me,
Acknowledgements: Jonathan Fields’ 2011 Annual Report first planted the seed for this dispatch. Thanks, JF.