Talking Wild Money, Creativity, & Books with Luna Jaffe
“No man but a blockhead ever wrote – except for money.”
That’s the wry view of Samuel Johnson, the reputable British writer and author of, among other titles, The Dictionary of the English Language in the 18th century.
If true, his view means that I and millions of others are utter blockheads.
Yet, his wit withstanding, when it comes to money creative-minded people and even other professional, reputable, proficient people can be a little blockhead-y when it comes to money.
I’ve worked and spoke with creative-minded people whose attitudes and mindsets toward money actually impoverished them. They either worry too much about it in the wrong ways or, more likely, they think too little about it and hope it will take care of itself.
Here’s the questions we’re living in on Tracking Wonder Conversations today:
What is your relationship to money?
How can you cultivate both a soulful and savvy approach to relating to money?
How can that relationship be “wild”?
Our Tracking Wonder Conversation today is with my favorite financial consultant, Luna Jaffe. Luna is a talented artist, an art therapist with an MA in Depth Psychology, plus she’s a certified financial planner and accredited management specialist.
I should disclose, too, that Luna and I worked for over a year on taking the kernel of her book idea and several drafted notes and pages, and we shaped those shards of brilliance into her first finance book, Wild Money: A Creative Journey to Financial Wisdom, plus a workbook Zelda’s Financial Guide.
We talk about becoming an accidental financial consultant, the “wild” and the wonder in Wild Money, the importance of receiving, and the art of wedding spirit with know-how when it comes to relating to money in a healthy way.
And we also discuss collaboration on projects and the costs of having a successful Kickstarter campaign.
Lots to live in here. You can watch the video, listen to the mp3, and read the free .pdf transcription below.
Download a .pdf of the transcription here.
00:00 Introductions
10:00 What are the Wonder Spots of Wild Money?
15:00 What’s it Like to Collaborate with Editors & Designers on a Book?
20:00 How Do We Relate to Money?
22:00 The Six Wild Money Mandates
24:00 The Challenges of Impulsive Spending
30:00 How to Make Money Visceral
35:00 What a Free Kickstarter Campaign Costs
Check out the ebook that will help you aviate your wild money, Zelda’s Financial Field Guide: A Wild Money Glossary, and visit to be the first to know when Wild Money comes out.
Do you find creative-minded people as a rule have unique challenges with relating in a healthy way to money?
Thanks for running with me.