Tracking Wonder Updates (May ’12) – Rest for Optimal Creativity
REST MATTERS. Creative work consumes a lot of energy. Blood sugar burns as you take problem-solving risks and inhibit distracting impulses.
A few “hows” I’ve re-confirmed this past month:
- How you rest well can distinguish you as a flash-in-the-pan creative sprinter or as a creative long-distance runner.
- How you interact emotionally with people you serve can deplete you or drive you for more.
- How you start the day changes everything.
I’ve artfully made space in my schedule to travel less. My foci: How better to serve you and clients long-distance. And personally, how to better engage the progressive Hudson Valley community (See special event below) as well as my homestead & family. It’s not unusual to close a day full of client interactions & writing with building a family bonfire or an artful stone wall.
And I just came off my monthly 48-hour in-house writing retreat. This space is vital for me to follow my mind’s hobbit holes and rat trails into what keeps us creatives ticking (ideas for a first children’s book are simmering, too!).
The spaces between work are as important as the work itself.
Over the next few months, you’ll notice changes & surprises at Tracking Wonder designed to help you develop & launch your books, projects, enterprises, and next-life phase – but in ways that keep you optimal, captivated, and enchanted – not depleted.
Plus, in addition to free content at A Hut of Questions and Psychology Today, you can get more free content via my new Tracking Wonder column at one of the most exciting creativity magazines online, The Creativity Post: High Quality Content on Creativity, Innovation, & Imagination. (Thank you, philosopher Milena Fisher and cognitive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman).
The art & science of enchanting creativity – that’s what we’re about (Okay – I’m testing out that phrase).
Below are results of my discoveries. (And – psst! – if you want to get into the annual Tracking Wonder Retreat in 2013, you’d better pay attention to next month’s newsletter. Hint, hint.) And check in if you want to talk about working 1:1. You’ll see client showcases this spring & summer of clients launching their start-ups as well as big books with Penguin Press and Simon & Schuster. I have 3 slots opening in late May.
Let me know how you’re shaping time for artful rest and space between work. Share resources to help us do likewise.
See you in the woods,