Your Captivating Book Conversation with Jen Louden & Jeffrey Davis
She comes in colors everywhere;
She combs her hair
She’s like a rainbow
Coming colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors– Mick (apparently upon meeting Jen)
Some people splash into our lives and leave streaks of color in their wake. Author and personal growth pioneer Jen Louden is one of those people.
A heart smiled open, Jen has offered men and women guidance in crafting a joyful life based on self-kindness for over 30 years.
When I need someone to remind me to stop striving so hard and to take better care of my best self – and to give me some creative wisdom that wraps around my head – I go to Jen. So, I was thrilled when she contacted me to chat about one of my favorite subjects – helping writers become captivating authors.
She recorded a conversation between us recently that spanned from getting “unstuck” amidst a book’s messy middle to what distinguishes an amateur from an author to the importance of discernment to my earliest teaching memory and much more.
Hop over to Jen’s site, listen in, and soak in the hues.
The Your Captivating Book Conversation with Jen Louden & Me
Let’s continue the conversation. Claim one of the few spots at the free coaching call for people ready to create, shape, and publish books that matter.
Thanks for running with me,