Lab 3: Austin – Email Messages
Travel, Lodging, & Food
Brand Artistry Lab #3 – How to Prep
I’m sure you’re excited to participate in Brand Artistry Lab #3:Build a Community of Ongoing Engagement & Income.
We certainly are. We are still buzzing from Lab #2 and can’t wait for Lab #3!
This Lab will take place at the South Congress Hotel in Downtown Austin, TX from February 18th at 9am to February 21st at 3pm. We recommend arriving on Sunday, February 17th and plan on leaving February 21st evening or later.
You will need to arrange your travel and lodging but we have put together an Austin Guide to help you with your planning. In fact, we have also secured a discounted rate for you to stay at the South Congress Hotel.
Access the Guide here: AUSTIN GUIDE FOR LAB #3
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Thanks for running with us,
Brand Artistry Lab #3 – Book Your Lodging!
Don’t forget to book your travel and lodging as soon as possible!
This Lab will take place at the South Congress Hotel in Austin, TX from February 18th at 9am to February 21st at 3pm. We recommend arriving on Sunday, February 17th and plan on leaving February 21st evening or later.
You will need to arrange your travel and lodging but we have put together a Guide to help you with your planning. In fact, we have also secured a discounted rate for your stay at the South Congress Hotel. But this discounted rate and guaranteed room availability is only good through December 19, 2018.
Access the Guide here: AUSTIN GUIDE FOR LAB #3
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Thanks for running with us,
IMPORTANT: Book Your Lodging for Lab #3 Today
With the chaos of the holidays and the end of year, I am sure you aren’t thinking about the incredible 4 days that awaits you this February (we definitely are though!).
I wanted to reach out to make sure you were able to reserve your lodging at the discounted rate we’ve secured for you at the South Congress Hotel. That discount and the guarantee of a room at the South Congress expires after tomorrow, December 19, 2018.
After that, the discounted rate will no longer be available and the rooms we are holding just for our Lab Partners will be gone.
For their River City room, you will pay just $249 per night.
3 ways to secure your reservation:
- Visit this link: South Congress Hotel Tracking Wonder Booking or
- Call Reservations at 512.920.6405 and ask for the Tracking Wonder rate. or
- Go to the South Congress Hotel website, click on Book Now, and type in the code: “Wonder” in the group code box below to access your group discounted rates.
Here is more travel, lodging, and meals info: AUSTIN GUIDE FOR LAB #3
We recommend arriving on Sunday, February 17th and plan on leaving February 21st evening or later.
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Thanks for running with us,
URGENT: Book Your Lodging for Lab #3 Today
This is your final reminder. You must book your room at South Congress Hotel before the end of the day TODAY, December 19, 2018.
We have secured a discounted rate for your stay at South Congress Hotel for you from the evening of February 17th through February 21st.But you must book before the end of the day today, December 19, 2018.After that, the discounted rate will no longer be available and the rooms we are holding just for our Lab Partners will be gone.
For their River City room, you will pay just $249 per night. This rate is good only if you book by December 19, 2018 so please don’t delay in booking your lodging.
3 ways to secure your reservation:
- Visit this link: South Congress Hotel Tracking Wonder Booking or
- Call Reservations at 512.920.6405 and ask for the Tracking Wonder rate. or
- Go to the South Congress Hotel website, click on Book Now, and type in the code: “Wonder” in the group code box below to access your group discounted rates.
Here is more travel, lodging, and meals info: AUSTIN GUIDE FOR LAB #3
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Thanks for running with us,
Brand Artistry Lab #3 – Important Homework
Complete by February 10th!
Are you getting jazzed about our meeting in just 6 weeks?
To make the most of your investment, it’s super-critical that you complete this Pre-Lab Homework to prepare. Please note there are a few things to send to me before the Lab.
No pressure, but, um, do this!
Find here a short packet with a few activities for you to complete. I have crafted the pre-Lab BAL #3 Homework carefully in three parts:
- Your own reflections for your own community
- Observing other communities you admire
- Observing a group of people in real time. Please complete it all.
Just 5 short steps:
- Download the Pre-Lab Homework.
- Print it.
- Complete it.
- Send me a few key things ahead of the Lab.
- Pack it.
Questions? Hit Reply, and let me know.
Thanks for running with me,
Brand Artistry Lab #3 Packbook – Approve your info by February 1! + Complete your Homework
Get to know your Lab Partners!
A very valuable part of the Lab is your collaborative Lab Partners.
We are creating a Packbook to send you with info and photos of each of your Lab Partners so you can get to know a little bit about them before we meet in Austin in just a few weeks.
Of course, we want to ensure we are sharing info that you feel comfortable with so we are asking a favor:
Please review the information below, hit reply, and either a) approve or b) edit and send a revised version you would like us to share.
[First Name] [Last Name]
Phone: [SMS Number]
Project name: [Brand/Business Name]
Website: [Website]
Field: [Field/ Industry]
Fascinate Archetype: [Fascinate Archetype]
Main message: [What is your main message?]
What excites me about this endeavor: [What excites you and deeply motivates you about your brand, business, or endeavor?]
Top challenges: [What one or two top challenges do you want to work with and create a strategic plan for during the Lab(s)?]
1-3 outcomes by end of Lab: [What 1-3 outcomes do you want by the end of the Lab(s)?]
What excited me to collaborate with Lab Partners: [What excites you specific to collaboration, conversation, and co-flow at the Lab(s)?]
We request that you review by February 1, 2019 and send us your approval or edits by then.
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Homework Reminder
Also, this is a reminder to complete your homework and submit a few key things by February 8, 2019.
Just 5 short steps:
- Download the Pre-Lab Homework.
- Print it.
- Complete it.
- Send me a few key things ahead of the Lab.
- Pack it.
Thanks for running with us,
IMPORTANT- BAL 3 – Approve your info by tomorrow, February 1st!
Get to know your Lab Partners!
I haven’t heard back from you yet on your approval of info to be included in the Packbook, so I wanted to reach out before tomorrow’s deadline.
As a reminder, we are creating a Packbook to send you with info and photos of each of your Lab Partners so you can get to know a little bit about them before we meet in the Austin in just a couple of weeks.
Of course, we want to ensure we are sharing info that you feel comfortable with so we are asking a favor:
Please review the information below, hit reply, and either a) approveor b) edit and send a revised versionyou would like us to share.
[First Name] [Last Name]
Phone: [SMS Number]
Project name: [Brand/Business Name]
Website: [Website]
Field: [Field/ Industry]
Fascinate Archetype: [Fascinate Archetype]
Main message: [What is your main message?]
What excites me about this endeavor: [What excites you and deeply motivates you about your brand, business, or endeavor?]
Top challenges: [What one or two top challenges do you want to work with and create a strategic plan for during the Lab(s)?]
1-3 outcomes by end of Lab: [What 1-3 outcomes do you want by the end of the Lab(s)?]
What excited me to collaborate with Lab Partners: [What excites you specific to collaboration, conversation, and co-flow at the Lab(s)?]
We request that you review by February 1, 2019and send us your approval or edits by then.
Any questions can be sent to me at info@trackingwonder.com. I am here to help so please reach out and let me know if anything comes up.
Homework Reminder
Also, this is a reminder to complete your homework and submit a few key things by February 8, 2019.
Just 5 short steps:
- Download the Pre-Lab Homework.
- Print it.
- Complete it.
- Send me a few key things ahead of the Lab.
- Pack it.
Thanks for running with us,
BAL IMPORTANT DETAILS – What to Bring, Homework, & Packbook
Are you getting excited?
It’s an honor to welcome you to Austin this season. Truly, I am grateful you are coming to learn, create, incubate, and collaborate at the South Congress Hotel. I’ve chosen this place for its spirit and possibility. This note invites you to arrive with presence, to plan what to bring, and to anticipate your arrival at this place.
Arrive With Presence
Austin is a bustling, lively backdrop for our collaboration for these 4 days. If you are traveling from out-of-town, we strongly recommend you arrive on Sunday, February 17th to settle in and truly arrive ahead of our 4 days of collaborative experimenting and brand artistry.
The entire group will meet in theMilton Suite (room 325) of the South Congress Hotel (1603 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704) each day at 8:00 am starting on Monday, February 18, 2019 for breakfast.
In the unfortunate chance that you have a travel delay, please keep this number –
Regardless of whatever travel details define your journey here, I invite you to arrive with presence.
What to Expect
Click Here for What to Bring
Click Here for Your Packbook
• We will begin each day with group breakfast at 8am.
• We will break for lunch as a group between 11:30am and 12:30pm each day.
• We will wrap by 6pm on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will wrap a little early for a special group outing that evening, so expect to be with us until 8-9pm on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will wrap by 3pm.
• We do have breaks scheduled throughout the day as well.
You will receive more detailed schedules each morning.
Please don’t forget to complete your homework ahead of our meeting in just a week and a half.Please complete this Pre-Lab Homework before you arrive and then bring this document with you.
- Download the Pre-Lab Homework.
- Print it.
- Complete it.
- Send me a few key things by February 8, 2019.
- Pack it.
I cannot wait to welcome you.
Please reply here with any questions you have.
Thanks for running with me,
Other Questions?
If you have any other questions or requests, please send Erin a note at info@trackingwonder.com She is happy to help!
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