I Promise to Give

I Promise to Give

Maybe we hold back because we fear we’ll be taken from or that we’ll run out of ideas.

The funny thing is this: When you create something, the very process of creating creates more ideas. When you see that something you created makes a difference to someone, you wake up driven to create more. When you solve one person’s problem, you feel fueled to discover other solutions.

Fantasies of freedom can trap creatives & entrepreneurs

Fantasies of freedom can trap creatives & entrepreneurs

What if our perceived lack of freedom has less to do with our “online 24/7” times?

What if our experience of freedom has everything to do with how we regard our time, direct our mind, and guide our actions each day and week strategically or not, artfully or not?

What if the Artfully Scheduled Life, when shaped artfully and strategically, could actually lead to more fulfillment and a different kind of freedom?