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Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do
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Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do

The Paradox of Loving What You Do A funny paradox: We love to love what we do. Yet, we sometimes fear that if we learn too much about how what we do works, the love will vanish. As if increased behind-the-scenes know-how spoils the innocent magic. And if we become conscious of how what we…

From Fear Toward Creative Mastery
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From Fear Toward Creative Mastery

The piece on The Apprenticeship Gap prompted lots of thoughtful discussion about amateurs, apprentices, artists, masters, and mentors. I also recently corresponded with my friend Tara Mohr, whose work I admire, about the topic. She’s helping me think in new ways about apprenticeship and expertise. Chalk one up for conversation. Check out her piece “Understanding How to…

Is it too late to master your midlife launch?
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Is it too late to master your midlife launch?

When it comes to starting a new creative-based career, there are two stories at work in our culture. We like to hear one of them but not the other. One: It’s never too late – even when in your forties, fifties, sixties, or seventies – to launch a new start-up, shift careers, or become a…

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Shoot Your Arrow of Creative Productivity With Grace

The economy’s in flux. Lightning-speed changes in technology dizzy you. And yet your mind teems with ideas. And yet you want, want, want to sustain your creative productivity. But you and I know the problems.

You lose your focus.
Your time slips away.
Your vision fades into a packed scheduler. Your confidence dissolves into a pool of “I’m a fraud and a fool!”-ness.

How can you keep up with let alone innovate in your field?

Imagine your creative momentum like an arrow. What keeps it suspended in air and on-target? What makes the shooting and executing feel effortless?