The Future of Publishing Looks…
I have returned from the Digital Book World Conference ever more curious about the future state of publishing.
This morning, Jeremy Greenfield, Forbes columnist and one of the generous-minded founders, wrote this:
Publishers are grappling with the possibility that bookstores might not exist in the future; that some authors have a very low opinion of them; that agents are pushing them for more advantageous contract terms for their clients; that the landscape of book discovery is changing; and much more.
Yet, publishers are optimistic about the future. If the mood at the Digital Book World Conference + Expo that concluded yesterday is any indication, they’re downright upbeat. Most of the 1,300+ publishing executives, agents, technologists, librarians and others who attended stayed until the final bell at 5:00 P.M. yesterday, buzzing and sharing ideas.
- Regardless of medium or platform size, you need to write a great book. Readers deserve it.
- Inauthentic marketing doesn’t work.
- “One million Twitter followers will not guarantee your book will sell well.”
- Hybrid authors (traditional + self) make $11,000 more a year than self-published authors.
- Ebooks account for 23% of the total books being published by September 2012 versus 2% in 2009.
- Interactive ebooks are one new trend.
Books. Are. Not. Dead.
What have been your experiences with self-publishing or/and digital publishing? What predictions for publishing do you have?