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Invite Your Young Genius to the Tracking WonderPod Club

You are seven years old…

Who would think that such an invitation of five words could make a difference in how you experience your work, solve creative problems, or otherwise feel fulfilled and on-purpose? Those five words could profoundly shift your creativity.

Yet that’s the invitation Tracking Wonder’s founder Jeffrey Davis extended to the listeners of our first season of the Tracking Wonder Podcast.

With Season Two’s launch just around the corner – coming October 9 – we wanted to invite you to look back at some favorite episodes and the questions they raise, to consider during our “grown-up” years of seeking our best work.

And we want to invite you to join our free no-hitch Wonderpod Club to talk about these episodes together. The first episode we’re diving back into is one of Season One’s most popular. 

A Little Background

​​​​The WonderPod Club comes from our Tracking Wonder Podcast listeners’ desire to have more conversation around the themes that emerged from some of our episodes from Season One.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tracking Wonder Podcast premiered earlier this year with a 12-episode season around the creative entrepreneur’s quest for meaningful work.

​​​​​​​As a way to connect and engage on two themes from that season, we will be hosting the WonderPod Club these last two weeks in September.

​​​​​​​The WonderPod Club is similar to a book club, but with two of our season #1 podcast episodes as the points of conversation.

Ready for the first episode and Club gathering?

Cultivating Your Young Genius At Work

In this episode, Jeffrey guides the guests and listeners through considering the power of childlike wonder to guide you toward your best work.

In conversation with guests, Jeffrey suggests that enough experience, data, and reflection can help you to recognize patterns of what force of character drives you toward your best ideas, and with these patterns you can recognize how you distinctly operate in the world.

The most influential and the most fulfilled people somehow do, ultimately, let this force of character, this young genius as it were, lead them—whether they’re aware of it or not. #TrackingWonderPodcast Share on X

What if we approached each day with the qualities that have made us unique in the world and that could lead us to our best work? Could doing so cultivate original thinking? Recapture a spirit of play and exploration? Bring us back to our young genius—the unique force of character we were born with?

Far from suggesting a regression to your youth, the idea of the Young Genius means that you tap into the best of who you have always been and how doing so might help you live your best life now and in the future. Self-knowledge informs craft knowledge.

With this kind of inquiry it helps to get perspective, and we’ve created a cool way to do so.


We’re inviting you to join the conversation as a community.

That’s why we’re testing the Wonderpod Club for two weeks in September. The Wonderpod Club is a chance to discuss some of the questions that Jeffrey and his guests have raised in the podcast, and explore how this has an impact or resonance with us at this stage in our lives.

To join in take these 3 simple steps:

  1. Join the Tracking Wonder Quest Community (if you’re not already a member)
  2. Refresh your knowledge of the episode by listening here.
  3. Bring some of your own questions OR consider your answers to the prep questions below.

Questions We Will Consider

  • How did your nine-year-old (or thereabouts) self create distinctly?
  • What positive patterns of your personality and creative obsession have repeated throughout your life and work?
  • If you feel far removed from your Young Genius, why is that? What might happen if you invited them nearer and learned from them?

A Writing Prompt that Lights Up Your Creativity

  • You are seven years old. You’ve awakened this morning to discover you don’t have to go to work or school or tend to anyone else’s responsibilities. How will you spend the day? Write in as much sensory detail as the exploration takes you to.

Be sure to listen to Episode 6 to discover the scientific study behind this writing prompt.

Engage “Live” with our extraordinary Story Manager, CJ

We’ll put a thread in our Tracking Wonder Quest Facebook Forum where you can place your responses to these prompts as a comment. Read other people’s. Engage. See what surprising insight surfaces.  

Our incredible Story Manager, CJ, will moderate the conversation this week. CJ is the happy word nerd of Tracking Wonder, writing and curating TW’s blog posts, guest posts, and articles.

If you want to join in LIVE on our Wonderpod Club, then CJ will be in the Quest Community on September 20th, 2018, at 7pm ET.

​A London-based poet, academic, and trans activist, CJ is 3 parts curiosity, 2 parts caffeine, and 5 parts pure dog appreciation. They happen to have the cutest coworker, a french bulldog pup named Tiggy.

In some cases, our genius gets stronger amidst adversity. #TrackingWonderPodcast Share on X


We’d love it if, after you’ve listened to the episode, you’d consider leaving the podcast a review. Season Two is going to launch this fall, and reviews and listeners allow us to spread the wonder to greater corners of the earth.

To do this, all you have to do is:

  • Click this link to open iTunes
  • Click “View in iTunes”
  • Click “Ratings and Reviews”
  • Then please rate, and leave us a review

If you’ve already offered a review, thank you so much for spreading the wonder! Our TW Podcast Team really appreciates you.

We have more surprising ways for you to participate coming soon.


Quest is going to return in December, so even if you don’t want to join in on the WonderPod Club, don’t forget to join the FREE community, in readiness for Quest 2019.

Wonder is more expansive together.


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