Is it too late to master your midlife launch?
When it comes to starting a new creative-based career, there are two stories at work in our culture. We like to hear one of them but not the other. One: It’s never too late – even when in your forties,…
When it comes to starting a new creative-based career, there are two stories at work in our culture. We like to hear one of them but not the other. One: It’s never too late – even when in your forties,…
I’ve been imagining you in the middle of your quest. You’re rising every morning, fresh with possibility, and yet by mid-day, you’re fighting time to get things done or trying to tame your straying mind so you can be brilliant…
Note: If podcast player does not appear, please refresh your page. Jen Louden and Tara Mohr are two people I relish connecting with. Why? They’re real, smart, infinitely creative. They also get that in order to captivate their audiences, they…
There’s a story I want to tell about purpose and calling that’s different from what we assume is true. We assume that people with callings “receive” them in certain ways. #1: As a young person, you know your singular desire…
Numerous business leaders, entrepreneurs, and freelancers are discovering what poets, artists, and writers have known for centuries: confusion can be converted into creative innovation and personal break-through.
Maps give us perspective on where we are (YOU ARE HERE –>) and where we aspire to go (BIG HORIZON!). A good map also will show you potential obstacles and alternative routes to get there.
Being creative is not about escaping problems. I’ve learned that the hard way over and over again during my adult life. Being creative often requires tracking problems and, when they track you, learning how to finesse them with grace and…
This morning, I let my three-year-old girl stay home and play in my study while I worked. She watched me practice yoga and meditate . “Can I do it, too?” She sat in front of me, crossed her legs, linked…
If you avoid problems, you’re not working in a creative mindset. If you seek solutions, you’re not working in a creative mindset. This problem-solution paradox is another contradiction I’ve discovered in the science of creativity.
IN THE NEXT WEEK, MY DAUGHTER MEETS HER THIRD BIRTHDAY, AND I HOPE MY FATHER REACHES HIS NEXT ONE. I watch my daughter wake up a little more with each breath, and with each breath I watch my father go…
Discover the inspiration behind Tracking Wonder. When life (literally) goes up in flames, learn to use the transformative power of wonder to find hope and even thrive in challenging times.
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