How to Express Appreciation With Surprise & Delight

Do you know that each of us have an internalized way of feeling appreciated? Imagine being able to stir surprise and delight in those around you.
I recently received an unexpected gift in the mail from my dear friend Editor in Chief at Best Self Media, Kristen Noel. In October I participated in the online Best Self World Summit with a number of other holistic wellness experts. I mention the gift because it included thoughtful and specific touches that made it meaningful to me.
To say I was surprised and delighted is an understatement. But that’s because her gift spoke to my language of appreciation.
Many of us express appreciation through the giving of tangible gifts but that’s not necessarily the way everyone likes to be appreciated. In fact, there are 5 ways to express appreciation as outlined by Dr. Gary Chapman in his recent book The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.
In this video I share these languages of appreciation along with the gift I was given.
How do you appreciate people? And how do you like to be appreciated? How can you convey that?