The Wonder Blog

Practical advice, tips, and resources to help you spark purpose and curiosity every day. Advance your best ideas and create space for wonder in work and life.

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Three (3) Productivity Books for Advancing Big Ideas

To build your business with your ideas requires more than inspiration. It also requires less thrilling things such as systems, habits, and boundaries. In my ongoing work with leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives, I’m always on the look out for resources to…
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Canoe Talk 5 – How Can I Approach My Business More Playfully?

Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis responds personally to questions raised by a
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Canoe Talk 4- The Priority That Calls Canoe Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis responds personally to questions raised by a…

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Canoe Talk 3- Little Resistance & Big Resistance Canoe Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis responds personally to questions raised by a…

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Canoe Talk 2 – The Wonder of Witnessing Others in Wonder

Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis responds personally to questions raised by a…
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Canoe Talk 1 – To Affect the Quality of the Day

Canoe Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis speaks to the importance of mindset…
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Beginner’s Mind in the New World of Work

“Yikes. I have no idea what I’m doing.” That’s often the first thought when we embark on something new — whether it’s a location, place of employment, or skill. The anxiety of unknown challenges and experiences often impedes our career…

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Our Current Culture is Choking Out Creativity

With how much innovation and development occur in 21st-century society, it’s easy to assume that creativity follows a similarly meteoric rise. Virtual reality video games. Fusion Cuisine, combining the practices of disparate cultures. Barrier-breaking performance art. All of these experiences…

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