The Wonder Blog

Practical advice, tips, and resources to help you spark purpose and curiosity every day. Advance your best ideas and create space for wonder in work and life.

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The Path of Solitude vs Collaboration

Photo by Xopher Wallace on Unsplash To what extent do you shape time to be in solitude? And the corollary question, to what extent do you pursue right collaboration? This is a topic I’ll explore with…

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Best in Brand & Innovation for October

Photo by Elijah O’Donell on Unsplash Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. This month’s list offers, among other things, how interpersonal language is effective in building brand…

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#WeQuest Spotlight – Sally Fox

Every year Jeffrey and Tracking Wonder gather a visionary group of thought leaders for a free online community event called Quest  to challenge and inspire the way you approach your business and life. This year’s round up of visionary leaders includes Pam…

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How Do We Find Purpose?

Photo by Jordan Ladikos on Unsplash Most entrepreneurs and creatives strive for a purpose-driven life. But what we’re really talking about when we talk about purpose is finding meaning. And more specifically, meaningful work. How do…

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Do You Know the Signs of Impending Burnout?

  Burnout hits nearly every entrepreneur and creative at some point. If this feels like you, it may be time to declutter your attention. Recognize this? Your neck and shoulders ache. Your temper is irrationally short. You are more reactive…

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When it’s Time to Rebrand

Does your brand reflect your ideals? If not, it may be time to think about a rebrand. Adventure. Joy. Provocation. Love. Optimal Productivity. Good Life. These words are business’s brands. What do I mean? Your brand is a feeling and…

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Branding – Start With Your Idea Not Your Logo

Branding is a process of idea collaboration at Tracking Wonder. I’ve found deep branding to be a game-changing approach for a lot of people who want a creative yet structured way to gain clarity on what they are about, what…

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Best in Brand & Innovation from September

Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation and creativity. This month’s list includes tips for channelling creativity and divergent thinking through happy music, how activities like doodling prevents mental fatigue, leading with your personality in creating…

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Where Do You Belong?

We often seek belonging by matching like with like. In a new group setting, our adaptive instincts seek “likes” (Is she like me? Do I have something in common with him?) instead of differences. Older boys used to heckle me…
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Navigating Uncertainty for Entrepreneurs & Creatives

I hold space for vast amounts of uncertainty in my life – creatively, entrepreneurially, existentially. My closest teammates, friends, and family know this. But not everyone is temperamentally disposed to invite uncertainty. I respect that. So, I also train clients…

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