Creativity & Innovation in Life & Work

Creativity is not the sole province of painters and poets. If you track solutions to challenges, chances are you’re acting creatively. For more, check out this collection.

Close-up of Human Hand

To Change the Future, Imagine and Make It

Creative intelligence, as I define it, is the capacity to generate both novel and useful insights and then discern and act upon the best of them. Creative intelligence is something each human being possesses on a spectrum – and creative…
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Get past the resistance to write for impact

Many clients – leaders, startup founders, business owners, authors – express what I would call a Wise Rise. Maybe you can relate. You’re deeply committed to meeting the challenges necessary to grow people’s awareness of your unique point of view,…
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Lead Employees with Grounded Hope

“I don’t think I’m cut out to be a leader,” a client said to me last year. “Maybe I just need a different business model that doesn’t require me to lead people.” Like so many CEOs, entrepreneurs, founders, directors, and…

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Three (3) Productivity Books for Advancing Big Ideas

To build your business with your ideas requires more than inspiration. It also requires less thrilling things such as systems, habits, and boundaries. In my ongoing work with leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives, I’m always on the look out for resources to…
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Beginner’s Mind in the New World of Work

“Yikes. I have no idea what I’m doing.” That’s often the first thought when we embark on something new — whether it’s a location, place of employment, or skill. The anxiety of unknown challenges and experiences often impedes our career…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.