Creativity & Innovation in Life & Work

Creativity is not the sole province of painters and poets. If you track solutions to challenges, chances are you’re acting creatively. For more, check out this collection.

Best in Brand & Innovation for November

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. This month’s list offers, among other things, how to effectively use data in serving the…

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Can Competition Benefit Community Building?

At Tracking Wonder we seek collaboration over competition. The idea in some cases goes as far as finding ways to make your competitor your collaborator. That’s not to say that a little healthy competition isn’t good for all of us….

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#WeQuest Spotlight – Patience Bleskan

Every year Jeffrey and Tracking Wonder gather a visionary group of thought leaders for a free online community event called Quest to challenge and inspire the way you approach your business and life. This year’s roundup of visionary leaders includes Pam…

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The Path of Solitude vs Collaboration

Photo by Xopher Wallace on Unsplash To what extent do you shape time to be in solitude? And the corollary question, to what extent do you pursue right collaboration? This is a topic I’ll explore with…

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Best in Brand & Innovation for October

Photo by Elijah O’Donell on Unsplash Every month we bring you the best articles we find in brand, innovation, and creativity. This month’s list offers, among other things, how interpersonal language is effective in building brand…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.