Flow, Flourishing & Wonder

Curious about how experiences of wonder can keep you in flow amidst challenges? Start with this collection.

Person Standing In Front Of Pine Trees

Awe at work drops reactivity

Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight can be exhausting. It wears down our bodies, affects our well-being, and makes it hard to focus and think creatively. It can also make us feel isolated. I’ve been curious about how we can…
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How Business Leaders Find Hope

Despite the world’s weight these days, we human beings by necessity must dream better ways to live and work, lead, and play into reality. We can rise wisely and together. Today let’s seek trends for hope that lead to the need for you and me to dream…
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The Bright Side of Negative Visioning

It’s the 2008 summer Olympics, and gold-medal winner Michael Phelps is poised to break his own record for the 200-meter butterfly swimming race – a competition that no one could touch him in.But then this happens: After Phelps’s first turn, his…

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Canoe Talk 3- Little Resistance & Big Resistance

https://vimeo.com/739061108 Canoe Talks is a video series of unconventional wisdom in an unconventional setting designed for mindful change-makers – entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, business owners, and professionals. Strategist, teacher, and author of TRACKING WONDER Jeffrey Davis responds personally to questions raised by a…

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Beginner’s Mind in the New World of Work

“Yikes. I have no idea what I’m doing.” That’s often the first thought when we embark on something new — whether it’s a location, place of employment, or skill. The anxiety of unknown challenges and experiences often impedes our career…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.