Flow, Flourishing & Wonder

Curious about how experiences of wonder can keep you in flow amidst challenges? Start with this collection.

Do You Know the Signs of Impending Burnout?

  Burnout hits nearly every entrepreneur and creative at some point. If this feels like you, it may be time to declutter your attention. Recognize this? Your neck and shoulders ache. Your temper is irrationally short. You are more reactive…

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Do Your Best Work, Not Someone Else’s

Image: Unsplash.com Are you telling yourself playing small and safe is your best decision? Archie had made up his mind. He told his two friends he just couldn’t risk starting his own animated studio. “It’s a stupid fantasy.”…

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Break the Isolation & Find Your Creative Pack

Most creatives I know and work with have some variation of this conundrum: how to get optimal doses of solitude and of social interaction. Today’s writing invitation – the final one of the Be Possible Writing Project – takes us…
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Tapping into Creative Collaboration

Collaboration, it turns out, is essential for creative productivity and innovation. The New York socialite Mabel Dodge knew something about putting talented, engaging people from different backgrounds and creative media in the same room. With the right atmosphere and combination…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.