Flow, Flourishing & Wonder

Curious about how experiences of wonder can keep you in flow amidst challenges? Start with this collection.

5 Stages of Confidence in Writing a Book

A funny thing happens to a writer’s level of confidence in writing a book. It shoots up and down seemingly as erratically as weather. Part of what makes confidence so unreliable is what we base confidence on. We try to base confidence on nebulous…

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Basecamp Templates: A Delightful Time-Saver

Image: Unsplash Guest Post by Erin Haworth, Tracking Wonder’s Systems Shark The Remote Team’s Time Challenges I’m fortunate to be Tracking Wonder’s operations manager and overseer of a dynamo team of remote contractors. It’s common for…

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12 Riffs to Help Boost Creativity & Shape Time

Creative professionals and practitioners are either Time Crunchers (pressed for our own time) or Time Stretchers (self-employed creatives who own their time). Both categories benefit from mastering the art of shaping time. Creativity is not about waiting for the muse…
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How to Stop Fighting Time

We business artists are blessed and cursed with a generative mind – the ability to come up with lots of ideas. You may be feeling the effect of shifting cultural causes calling you to act. How do you find the time…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.