Leadership & Teamwork

To lead with your ideals in a cynical world is courageous. If you’re an CHRO, Director,
or team leader of any kind, start with this collection.

Branding – Start With Your Idea Not Your Logo

Branding is a process of idea collaboration at Tracking Wonder. I’ve found deep branding to be a game-changing approach for a lot of people who want a creative yet structured way to gain clarity on what they are about, what…

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Where Do You Belong?

We often seek belonging by matching like with like. In a new group setting, our adaptive instincts seek “likes” (Is she like me? Do I have something in common with him?) instead of differences. Older boys used to heckle me…
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Navigating Uncertainty for Entrepreneurs & Creatives

I hold space for vast amounts of uncertainty in my life – creatively, entrepreneurially, existentially. My closest teammates, friends, and family know this. But not everyone is temperamentally disposed to invite uncertainty. I respect that. So, I also train clients…

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Do Your Best Work, Not Someone Else’s

Image: Unsplash.com Are you telling yourself playing small and safe is your best decision? Archie had made up his mind. He told his two friends he just couldn’t risk starting his own animated studio. “It’s a stupid fantasy.”…

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Break the Isolation & Find Your Creative Pack

Most creatives I know and work with have some variation of this conundrum: how to get optimal doses of solitude and of social interaction. Today’s writing invitation – the final one of the Be Possible Writing Project – takes us…
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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.