Leadership & Teamwork
To lead with your ideals in a cynical world is courageous. If you’re an CHRO, Director,
or team leader of any kind, start with this collection.
The Heroine’s Journey & The Business Artist
Note: Saundra Goldman is a smart, quietly powerful mentor and leader. She has been leading a conversation for a few years at Creative Mix where she helps women connect the dots of their creative lives and step up with work that speaks…
Prioritize Your Value
Spencer Goad/Creative Commons She couldn’t believe the one word that came up in a simple self-assessment. She had sensed it in her 20+ years of accomplishments across the globe. But the word simply was not the…
Imagine Your Future To Be Wholly Present
Courtesy of Creative Commons (Jef Safi) Creativity is a revived currency in business. The New York Times Magazine ran a full feature on the burgeoning field of us creativity consultants and idea leaders. Advances in technology…
To Envision Your Best Year, Get Clear with Yourself
Alison had published three books, delivered a talk at a renowned conference, and advanced her distinct brand enough to garner gigs around the world. So, what was the problem? “I’ve kind of run this thing to its end. I’m ready for…
Intensity Not Relaxation Inspires Creative Courage
“It was clear…that what kept [top performers in flow] motivated was the quality of experience they felt when they were involved with the activity. This feeling didn’t come when they were relaxing, when they were taking drugs or alcohol, or…
Get Back to Where You Once Belonged
Courtesy of Creative Commons What led 350 innovators, creatives, and change-makers from around the globe to show up at a summer camp ground just north of New York City for 4 days? It’s a fair question….