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Own how the world sees your creative genius. 
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Own how the world sees your creative genius. 

“It is not generally acknowledged or discussed, but the personality we project to the world plays a substantial role in our success and in our ascension to mastery.” – Robert Greene, Mastery A young Sally Hogshead’s genius wanted to stand out. Her brother’s intellectual genius got him into Harvard. Her older sister’s athletic genius sent…

The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists
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The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists

There’s no reliable place where entrepreneurs and business artists can gather to learn how to bring their trade nonfiction book’s story from the stage to the page.

How Seth Godin’s Book The Icarus Deception Works
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How Seth Godin’s Book The Icarus Deception Works

  There are thought leaders, and there are Thought Leaders.(1) And Seth Godin is the latter. Why? Godin is a Thought Leader not only because he’s smart. It’s not only because he’s prolific and creative. Godin is an archetypal Thought Leader because he understands the nature of Thought itself. He gets what drives human beings. He understands…

Does Your Manifesto have integrity?
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Does Your Manifesto have integrity?

Don’t Just Ship It In the past 8 or so years, corporate manifestos, entrepreneur manifestos, and creative entrepreneur manifestos have popped up in many places. Some of them seem true. Many feel derivative. Manifestos are provocative mission statements (1). Numerous Internet personalities and business coaches tell “thinkerly” creatives to “Just Ship It” when it comes to…

Who holds the big picture for you and reflects it back?

Who holds the big picture for you and reflects it back?

One of our greatest needs as business artists is for our best self to be seen and for a vision of that best self’s quest to be held and mirrored back to us. Earlier this week, a beloved client and Tracking Wonder enthusiast sent me a note that linked to this blog post by the…

You are not a brand to sell. Stand up for the Story you must tell.
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You are not a brand to sell. Stand up for the Story you must tell.

These four elements form the basis for the Story she had to tell, for the Story of what she and her business are all about, the Story of how she repeatedly, consistently, and effectively takes her clients and customers – her audience – from an undesired state to a desired state.

The Surprising Reason Why Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Splits Went Viral
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The Surprising Reason Why Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Splits Went Viral

You’ve likely heard and seen by now the Volvo ad that went viral as Jean-Claude Van Damme performs his “epic splits.” But why did it go viral? Maybe if we took a closer look at what happens to most of us emotionally as we experience the 72-second video from beginning to middle to end, we…

3 Reasons Apple Still Captivates & Elevates
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3 Reasons Apple Still Captivates & Elevates

Any animus toward Apple aside, they still captivate and elevate in ways that small businesses, solo-preneurs, creative professionals, and creatives & authors can learn from. Many of my clients and groups struggle with telling the Story of who they are and what they do with consistency and integrity. And others actually feel trapped by their…