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Tell A Story To Make the Heart Race: Interview with Super-Agent Kristin Nelson
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Tell A Story To Make the Heart Race: Interview with Super-Agent Kristin Nelson

What could an agent possibly offer a novelist whose self-published ebooks are bringing in five figures a month? That’s what self-published science fiction novelist Hugh Howey wanted to know when Kristin Nelson had the gumption to call. “I don’t know,” she said, in essence, “but let’s have a conversation.” That forthrightness got Howey’s attention. It…

For Mothers Who Educate Imaginations

For Mothers Who Educate Imaginations

Note: I’m taking a decidedly personal detour today in honor of mothers nurturing imaginations everywhere. My mother made the most of her means and time to give my imagination and spirit an education beyond school. A smile and an easy laugh forever cast to the world, she would never let on to her tow-headed boy…

Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do
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Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do

The Paradox of Loving What You Do A funny paradox: We love to love what we do. Yet, we sometimes fear that if we learn too much about how what we do works, the love will vanish. As if increased behind-the-scenes know-how spoils the innocent magic. And if we become conscious of how what we…

The Most Important Feature of Author Platforms
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The Most Important Feature of Author Platforms

When Keith Richards steps onto stage, a specific horde pays big bucks to be part of him and hear his inimitable riffs on the guitar. When David Sedaris steps onto stage, a smaller but sizable crowd pays a fair sum to be part of him and to hear his inimitable riffs from the page. Both…

Books that Matter to Julie Metz
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Books that Matter to Julie Metz

For years, Julie Metz thought she lived the perfect life – the perfect marriage, perfect brownstone, perfect career, perfect family. She tells her story of betrayal and renewal  in her New York Times best-selling memoir Perfection. Where some people would cower to tell the story, Julie mustered both the courage and the art to shape…

From Fear Toward Creative Mastery
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From Fear Toward Creative Mastery

The piece on The Apprenticeship Gap prompted lots of thoughtful discussion about amateurs, apprentices, artists, masters, and mentors. I also recently corresponded with my friend Tara Mohr, whose work I admire, about the topic. She’s helping me think in new ways about apprenticeship and expertise. Chalk one up for conversation. Check out her piece “Understanding How to…

Talking Wild Money, Creativity, & Books with Luna Jaffe
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Talking Wild Money, Creativity, & Books with Luna Jaffe

“No man but a blockhead ever wrote – except for money.” That’s the wry view of Samuel Johnson, the reputable British writer and author of, among other titles, The Dictionary of the English Language in the 18th century. If true, his view means that I and millions of others are utter blockheads. Yet, his wit…

For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact
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For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact

In the Tower of Babel that is publishing these days, it’s easy for authors to get distracted and to side-track their creative process in favor of over-thinking viable creative products.  The push to publish and profit can override the hardest fact. I’m offering four spots in a program and then a free call for a select group of…

Why We Have a Widening Apprenticeship Gap

Why We Have a Widening Apprenticeship Gap

THERE’S A GAP CAUSING A LOT OF UNSPOKEN PAIN, SHAME, CONFUSION, AND FRUSTRATION.  I want to speak up about this gap to see if my perceptions resonate and to see what we together can salve. It’s a gap especially among creatives, creative professionals, freelancers, and solo-preneurs I’ve been tracking for over a year. The gap…

Jen Louden on the Shadows & Joys to Teach Now
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Jen Louden on the Shadows & Joys to Teach Now

A TRACKING WONDER Conversation with Jen Louden & How We Can Step Up & Teach Now (+ smashing hard-boiled eggs, feeling like fried leather, getting out of fish bowls, why we have no time for sacred fetuses, & lots of laughter) Our Tracking Wonder Conversations connect you with creative people who both captivate our hearts…