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Talking Wild Money, Creativity, & Books with Luna Jaffe
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Talking Wild Money, Creativity, & Books with Luna Jaffe

“No man but a blockhead ever wrote – except for money.” That’s the wry view of Samuel Johnson, the reputable British writer and author of, among other titles, The Dictionary of the English Language in the 18th century. If true, his view means that I and millions of others are utter blockheads. Yet, his wit…

For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact
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For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact

In the Tower of Babel that is publishing these days, it’s easy for authors to get distracted and to side-track their creative process in favor of over-thinking viable creative products.  The push to publish and profit can override the hardest fact. I’m offering four spots in a program and then a free call for a select group of…

Why We Have a Widening Apprenticeship Gap

Why We Have a Widening Apprenticeship Gap

THERE’S A GAP CAUSING A LOT OF UNSPOKEN PAIN, SHAME, CONFUSION, AND FRUSTRATION.  I want to speak up about this gap to see if my perceptions resonate and to see what we together can salve. It’s a gap especially among creatives, creative professionals, freelancers, and solo-preneurs I’ve been tracking for over a year. The gap…

Jen Louden on the Shadows & Joys to Teach Now
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Jen Louden on the Shadows & Joys to Teach Now

A TRACKING WONDER Conversation with Jen Louden & How We Can Step Up & Teach Now (+ smashing hard-boiled eggs, feeling like fried leather, getting out of fish bowls, why we have no time for sacred fetuses, & lots of laughter) Our Tracking Wonder Conversations connect you with creative people who both captivate our hearts…

State Of Wonder Annual Dispatch
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State Of Wonder Annual Dispatch

Since 2005 – when wonder seemed endangered – I have kept my eye and ear on writers, designers, musicians and artists, and I also have turned an eye and ear toward entrepreneurs, educators, and CEOs. And in so doing eventually founded Tracking Wonder Consulting & Programs to assure that both groups learn from each other to create captivating work that elevates our humanity….

Harness Your Creative Potential with These 3 Knowledge Points.
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Harness Your Creative Potential with These 3 Knowledge Points.

An extraordinarily talented and highly recognized actress and writer called me last week. She sent me a list of 15-plus projects she wants to work on. Now. All at once. How does she prioritize? Why should she? Such good questions I’ve been living and working in for years. In fact, I spent much of 2012…

3 Actions Great Authors Take to Abate Fear, Doubt, & Shame
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3 Actions Great Authors Take to Abate Fear, Doubt, & Shame

I’ve told the story of how a Pulitzer Prize-winning author (1) without talent became a master of creative nonfiction and literary journalism. I mentioned that he took three creative actions that any of us can take. I want to reiterate those three actions to further disabuse us of two myths: Myth 1: That great writing…

Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential
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Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential

  “Let’s face it, this fellow cannot write.” – Bob Manning about a young Tracey Kidder  “It is better to pursue and to perform your own duty imperfectly than someone else’s perfectly.” – Krishna to the reluctant warrior Arjuna, The Gita “The life in us is like the water in the river. It may rise…

Your Captivating Book Conversation with Jen Louden & Jeffrey Davis
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Your Captivating Book Conversation with Jen Louden & Jeffrey Davis

She comes in colors everywhere;  She combs her hair  She’s like a rainbow  Coming colors in the air  Oh, everywhere  She comes in colors  – Mick (apparently upon meeting Jen) Some people splash into our lives and leave streaks of color in their wake. Author and personal growth pioneer Jen Louden is one of those…

Experience Architects Engage with Love & Wonder
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Experience Architects Engage with Love & Wonder

Memorable enterprises and blogs endure the way memorable art and stories endure. Mind-changing businesses create experiences for their customers the way mind-changing authors and artists design experiences for their audiences. Those experiences are sent with love and infused with wonder. They engage us and surprise us by holding up mirrors to what’s best in us…