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Tell A Story To Make the Heart Race: Interview with Super-Agent Kristin Nelson
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Tell A Story To Make the Heart Race: Interview with Super-Agent Kristin Nelson

What could an agent possibly offer a novelist whose self-published ebooks are bringing in five figures a month? That’s what self-published science fiction novelist Hugh Howey wanted to know when Kristin Nelson had the gumption to call. “I don’t know,” she said, in essence, “but let’s have a conversation.” That forthrightness got Howey’s attention. It…

Books That Matter to Abby Kerr
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Books That Matter to Abby Kerr

Abby Kerr makes branding artful, meaningful, and – most of all – effective. But it wasn’t always so. Abby’s journey has taken her from English teacher to cool boutique owner to founder of her one-woman show Abby Kerr, Inc. to her latest venture, The Voice Bureau – a boutique branding agency that helps entrepreneurs and micro-businesses show…

Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do
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Beyond the Paradox of Loving What You Do

The Paradox of Loving What You Do A funny paradox: We love to love what we do. Yet, we sometimes fear that if we learn too much about how what we do works, the love will vanish. As if increased behind-the-scenes know-how spoils the innocent magic. And if we become conscious of how what we…

Books That Matter to Todd Kashdan

Books That Matter to Todd Kashdan

  Todd Kashdan, a globe-trotting speaker and dynamic professor at George Mason University, is a wonder-tracker for whom I have great respect. Todd ’s first book Curious: Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life shows how wonder’s more active cousin can boost health, relationships, creativity, and productivity.  As a thought leader in his field of…

Books that Matter to Patti Digh

Books that Matter to Patti Digh

“Live like you’re dying – because you are. Each moment is precious, magic.” That wise outlook comes from bestselling author Patti Digh. Patti’s laser-love on living mirrors back in the part of speech that defines her: verb. Her books Life is a Verb and Creative is a Verb have inspired countless people around the globe. Plus, she’s playing summer…

The Most Important Feature of Author Platforms
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The Most Important Feature of Author Platforms

When Keith Richards steps onto stage, a specific horde pays big bucks to be part of him and hear his inimitable riffs on the guitar. When David Sedaris steps onto stage, a smaller but sizable crowd pays a fair sum to be part of him and to hear his inimitable riffs from the page. Both…

Books that Matter to Julie Metz
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Books that Matter to Julie Metz

For years, Julie Metz thought she lived the perfect life – the perfect marriage, perfect brownstone, perfect career, perfect family. She tells her story of betrayal and renewal  in her New York Times best-selling memoir Perfection. Where some people would cower to tell the story, Julie mustered both the courage and the art to shape…

For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact
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For Authors Ready for the Life-Affirming Fact

In the Tower of Babel that is publishing these days, it’s easy for authors to get distracted and to side-track their creative process in favor of over-thinking viable creative products.  The push to publish and profit can override the hardest fact. I’m offering four spots in a program and then a free call for a select group of…