The Wonder Blog
Practical advice, tips, and resources to help you spark purpose and curiosity every day. Advance your best ideas and create space for wonder in work and life.
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Neutral is not an option with black lives.
Photo Credit: Lucas Benjamin IG: @Aznbokchoy To feel wonder is to experience a decentering of the self.”- Kelly Bulkeley, psychologist and author, The Wondering Brain Our Work at Hand These are de-centering times. These are profoundly hopeful times. De-centering times can call us…
5 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Engaging
It’s true that ample evidence points to the fact that virtual meetings can no more replace the full experience of an in-person experience than Apple graphics or The Discovery Channel can replace the full-on experience of spending time in nature….
3 Tips to Lead Impactful and Productive Virtual Meetings
Between quarantine, curfews, and the mass closure of businesses throughout the country, COVID-19 has dramatically altered the fabric of our day-to-day lives. And while most businesses are bound to return to some semblance of normality, the traditional office will be…
How to Carry on with Business as Unusual & Avoid the Ick Factor
In the few minutes I allow myself to scroll through the news headlines each day, I came across a story about a pandemic poem that an English teacher posted to Twitter. The poem is entirely composed of opening lines to…
9 Books to Read in Times of Uncertainty
Between curfews and quarantines, you’ll probably have a lot more time on your hands than you’re used to. Rather than fritter that time away by stressing over the unknown or scrolling through ominous news headlines all day, why not take…
Concentration in Times of Crisis
5 tips to sustain focus and drive while working from home Businesswoman with a lot of work to do meditating in office If you don’t normally – or ever – work from home, the “shelter-in-place” mandate can pose a serious…
How We Can Do It Together in a Digital World
Group of people on peak mountain climbing helping team work , travel trekking success business concept The abundance of food, toilet paper, and other essentials that we take for granted has seemingly evaporated overnight. Our carefully laid plans for spring…
Wonder: Your Mental Skill for Surprising Innovation
Every day our brains process billions of data points, from the temperature of the room to the tone of someone’s voice. To make our lives easier – and avoid complete information overload – our brains find patterns in the chaos…
The Dark Side of Curiosity for the Creative Mind (and How Wonder Can Help)
The other day I was onboarding a new client. Her client load is full, her team is growing, but she has ambitions to grow and expand her platform and ultimately scale her intellectual property. She has boundless ideas for new…
4 Threads of Deep Purpose
To inspire your work and enrich your life Closeup of hands making cat’s cradle People who feel a sense of purpose, according to recent studies, are more productive and happier in their work. According to a recent Deloitte survey, 90%…
3 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Retreat
A colleague I recently had dinner with heads up leadership development at a major corporation while testing the waters with her own private consulting. She admitted that it had just dawned on her that there are only 168 hours in…
Wonder Interventions at Work
In his decades of research on the psychology of flow, Mihaly Cskiszentmihalyi has studied people who like to do things that they enjoy. He has studied athletes, artists, religious mystics, scientists, chess players, rock climbers, and ordinary working people. What…