The Wonder Blog

Practical advice, tips, and resources to help you spark purpose and curiosity every day.
Advance your best ideas and create space for wonder in work and life.

Recent Articles

The Art of Pausing

When the church bells toll 1 pm throughout Italy, you’ll find workers and school children scuttling home while small businesses and banks alike close up shop. Within an hour, the cobblestone streets are empty. It makes no difference whether you’re…

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Ease Overwhelm & Uncertainty with 3 Simple Systems

Burnout hits nearly every entrepreneur and creative at some point.  Your neck and shoulders ache. Your temper is irrationally short. You are more reactive than creative. You worry more than wonder. It feels like there is no time for envisioning…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.