Leadership & Teamwork
To lead with your ideals in a cynical world is courageous. If you’re an CHRO, Director,
or team leader of any kind, start with this collection.
“Good Stress” Increases Creativity in the Workplace (Creativity at Work Tip video)
Photo by energepic.com from Pexels It doesn’t matter how mindful you try to be at work, you’re going to get stressed. It’s inevitable. Not all stress is equal. There are dis-stressors that can paralyze your creativity at…
How to Lead Your Team Successfully – Without Compromising Your Brand
Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash As an entrepreneur, how to motivate teams especially as a small business has always been a topic worth exploring. With technological advances and societal changes plus the fact that 46% of…
Can Competition Benefit Community Building?
At Tracking Wonder we seek collaboration over competition. The idea in some cases goes as far as finding ways to make your competitor your collaborator. That’s not to say that a little healthy competition isn’t good for all of us….
The Path of Solitude vs Collaboration
Photo by Xopher Wallace on Unsplash To what extent do you shape time to be in solitude? And the corollary question, to what extent do you pursue right collaboration? This is a topic I’ll explore with…
How Do We Find Purpose?
Photo by Jordan Ladikos on Unsplash Most entrepreneurs and creatives strive for a purpose-driven life. But what we’re really talking about when we talk about purpose is finding meaning. And more specifically, meaningful work. How do…
When it’s Time to Rebrand
Does your brand reflect your ideals? If not, it may be time to think about a rebrand. Adventure. Joy. Provocation. Love. Optimal Productivity. Good Life. These words are business’s brands. What do I mean? Your brand is a feeling and…