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How You Can Support Black Business Artists Now

How You Can Support Black Business Artists Now

The ongoing protests and mounting movement for racial justice have challenged individuals, businesses, and brands from around the globe to reflect, analyze, take a stance, and act.  While there has been a recent spike in support for black-owned businesses, dollars alone cannot drive real change. It will take a deeper cognitive and cultural shift in…

Neutral is not an option with black lives.

Neutral is not an option with black lives.

To feel wonder is to experience a decentering of the self.” – Kelly Bulkeley, psychologist and author, The Wondering Brain Our Work at Hand These are de-centering times. These are profoundly hopeful times. De-centering times can call us back into integrity – us, meaning you and me. For the past several years, our work here at Tracking Wonder…

5 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Engaging

5 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Engaging

It’s true that ample evidence points to the fact that virtual meetings can no more replace the full experience of an in-person experience than Apple graphics or The Discovery Channel can replace the full-on experience of spending time in nature. Virtual meetings do have their own unique challenges, the greatest of which is that digital…

How to Carry on with Business as Unusual & Avoid the Ick Factor

How to Carry on with Business as Unusual & Avoid the Ick Factor

In the few minutes I allow myself to scroll through the news headlines each day, I came across a story about a pandemic poem that an English teacher posted to Twitter. The poem is entirely composed of opening lines to marketing emails that the teacher, Jessica Safia, has received since the nationwide COVID-19 quarantine began….