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Best in Brand & Innovation from August
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Best in Brand & Innovation from August

Every month we bring you the best articles we’ve found in brand and innovation. This month’s list is full of branding lessons that range from community building and cohesion in your messaging to the pitfalls of being too positive. We also look at how the time of day dictates your creativity and how boredom aids…

Embracing Challenges for Growth
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Embracing Challenges for Growth

There are problems, there are challenges, and there are obstacles. They’re not the same. Harrison Ford got sick on the set of Steven Spielberg’s film Raiders of the Lost Ark. One morning, scheduled for an intense sword fight scene with a formidable foe, Ford didn’t feel up to the task. So, he asked Spielberg to make a…

A Ripe Time for Introverted Creatives & Entrepreneurs
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A Ripe Time for Introverted Creatives & Entrepreneurs

There’s never been a better time for you to share your message and creative brilliance with the world. Imagine if Jonas Salk discovered the polio vaccine, but cowered at the prospect of receiving publicity or criticism or of appearing vain by drawing attention to himself so he decided to keep the discovery to himself, that would be…

Why DIY is a Lie for Entrepreneurs & Creatives
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Why DIY is a Lie for Entrepreneurs & Creatives

Now perhaps more than ever creatives & entrepreneurs have access to more knowledge, resources, and apps that empower us to take things into our own hands. But it’s also where we often get trapped. Maybe we think that because we can kind of sort of figure things out on our own that we should do it on…

Tapping into Creative Collaboration
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Tapping into Creative Collaboration

Collaboration, it turns out, is essential for creative productivity and innovation. The New York socialite Mabel Dodge knew something about putting talented, engaging people from different backgrounds and creative media in the same room. With the right atmosphere and combination of people, ideas could ignite that might inspire creative action (including even, a few love affairs).

The Brave Creative
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The Brave Creative

  You can toil on a book, rehearse a talk, strategize a launch, stretch yourself to create a new product or offer or a whole new business, but you cannot control outcome. You can craft to design experiences to take people where you promised, you can have meetings to plan, and you can gather and…

Best Articles in Brand & Innovation for June
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Best Articles in Brand & Innovation for June

Every month Tracking Wonder brings you some of the best articles from across the web that have stopped us in our tracks or given us pause to think and consider perspectives in creativity, brand, and innovation. This month we’ll look at getting in the creative zone, the importance of company culture, and the psychology behind…

6 Books on Thought Leadership You Should Read
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6 Books on Thought Leadership You Should Read

To lead means you expose yourself on the front lines. No hiding. To launch a trade nonfiction book is one of the most powerful ways to lead. And one of the most nerve-wracking. And one of the most rewarding for you and your audience.

These are 5 books I think give Tracking Wonder’s audience the most value to do what we help you do – master your work flow & creative cycle and own your place in the world as a thought leader, conversation leader, and business artist.