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Why Crowdfund Your Book Project?
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Why Crowdfund Your Book Project?

I sneered at the idea of funding a book via “crowdfunding” when I first heard about it a few years ago. But that sneer was a cognitive trap. Crowdfunding (gathering finances from groups of people) a book trips authors out of the DIY Trap and out of the Prestige Trap, plus its benefits can supersede…

The 30-Day #NoAmazon Challenge

The 30-Day #NoAmazon Challenge

Business artists create, act, and choose with integrity. Easier said than done.  I’ve given myself a 30-day challenge not to purchase anything – flash drives, batteries, paper clips, and definitely not books – from Amazon. Other authors are joining me. (See below.) If you’re someone who values the free distribution of ideas and books, then…

unedited: 4 writing tools & a trick to stay focused

unedited: 4 writing tools & a trick to stay focused

I am a master of distraction. I’m also an artist of deliberate distraction. Many people come to me for a variety of ways to cultivate a deliberate writing practice. Penguin and Monkfish published my book on the subject that includes tips on writing with intention, bowing out, observing your transitions, stoking your fire, and riding…

Story Architecture Meets Tracking Wonder
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Story Architecture Meets Tracking Wonder

When Jonah Berger was a teenager, his grandmother gave him a copy of Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (2000). The book tells the story about how ideas become influential. The young Berger relished the intellectual journey Gladwell took him on. He was hooked. Haven’t you read a book and thought, “How did he do that?…

The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists
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The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists

There’s no reliable place where entrepreneurs and business artists can gather to learn how to bring their trade nonfiction book’s story from the stage to the page.

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Buzzing stories versus your Brave Story

And I wrote every day. Because I had to. Because it burned in me. Because we just don’t have much time. Because the Waiting Room is not a place to live. Because the Waiting Room is a place where something true and brave in us can die.

creative courage: resist the right things: an assay

creative courage: resist the right things: an assay

  Brene Brown grew up with gritted teeth and a tart tongue. Armored, that is. In her book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, the fellow multi-generation Texan comes clean about her lifelong resistance to being emotionally vulnerable. Brown’s situation as a Texan, a…