Big Ideas & Books & Brands

You can transform your best ideas for a better world into a business, brand, book, podcast, and platform. This collection introduces you to ways to face and finesse – instead of fight or flee from – the inevitable challenges to do so.

For Mothers Who Educate Imaginations

Best of chums Note: I’m taking a decidedly personal detour today in honor of mothers nurturing imaginations everywhere. My mother made the most of her means and time to give my imagination and spirit an education…

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Books That Matter to Abby Kerr

Abby Kerr makes branding artful, meaningful, and – most of all – effective. But it wasn’t always so. Abby’s journey has taken her from English teacher to cool boutique owner to founder of her one-woman show Abby Kerr, Inc. to her latest…

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Books That Matter to Todd Kashdan

  Todd Kashdan, a globe-trotting speaker and dynamic professor at George Mason University, is a wonder-tracker for whom I have great respect. Todd ’s first book Curious: Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life shows how wonder’s more active cousin…

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From Fear Toward Creative Mastery

Image from SMB Training The piece on The Apprenticeship Gap prompted lots of thoughtful discussion about amateurs, apprentices, artists, masters, and mentors. I also recently corresponded with my friend Tara Mohr, whose work I admire, about the topic….

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Jen Louden on the Shadows & Joys to Teach Now

A TRACKING WONDER Conversation with Jen Louden & How We Can Step Up & Teach Now (+ smashing hard-boiled eggs, feeling like fried leather, getting out of fish bowls, why we have no time for sacred fetuses, & lots of…

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.