Big Ideas & Books & Brands

You can transform your best ideas for a better world into a business, brand, book, podcast, and platform. This collection introduces you to ways to face and finesse – instead of fight or flee from – the inevitable challenges to do so.

Break the Isolation & Find Your Creative Pack

Most creatives I know and work with have some variation of this conundrum: how to get optimal doses of solitude and of social interaction. Today’s writing invitation – the final one of the Be Possible Writing Project – takes us…
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The Brave Creative

  Image:pages from the author’s editor You can toil on a book, rehearse a talk, strategize a launch, stretch yourself to create a new product or offer or a whole new business, but you cannot control…

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Just Have Fun or Get Better?

Photo credit: Frédéric de Villamil, Flickr A few years ago, when my first girl was two-years-old, she wanted to play my Bengali two-string dotar instrument. She plucked it. It twanged. I tried to guide her pudgy worms toward…

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Prioritize Your Value

Spencer Goad/Creative Commons She couldn’t believe the one word that came up in a simple self-assessment. She had sensed it in her 20+ years of accomplishments across the globe. But the word simply was not the…

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Intensity Not Relaxation Inspires Creative Courage

“It was clear…that what kept [top performers in flow] motivated was the quality of experience they felt when they were involved with the activity. This feeling didn’t come when they were relaxing, when they were taking drugs or alcohol, or…

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Your mind is vast. Love & use all of it.

Those dualities – mind/gut, heart/mind, head/body – don’t really make sense. Unfortunately, these well-intended admonitions can create civil wars within your mind. I’ve witnessed those wars over and over again in the people with whom I’ve worked and talked with.
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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.